How do I fix Java Lang UnSupportedClassVersionError unsupported major minor version?
There are two ways to solve this problem, first make sure you run your Java program in the same or higher version of JRE, on which it has compiled, and second use the cross-compilation option to create a class file compatible to a lower JRE.
What is Major Minor version in Java?
A Java class file holds the Java bytecode for a Java class that can be executed on a Java virtual machine (VM). Encoded at the beginning of a class file is a major and minor version number of the class file format that is used in it. This major. minor number indicates which Java VM can execute this class file.
When my class encounter UnSupportedClassVersionError which option could resolve this issue?
1) If you encounter UnSupportedClassVersionError, check the JRE version you are using to run program and switch to higher version for quick solution.
What is unsupported class version error?
The UnsupportedClassVersionError is a sub-class of the LinkageError and thrown by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). When a class file is read and when major and minor version numbers are not supported, this error is thrown, and especially during the linking phase, this error is thrown.
How do I update Java on Windows 10?
The Control Panel can be found in the Start Menu under Start > Control Panel or Start > Settings > Control Panel. Double-click the Java entry in the Control Panel to open the Java Control Panel. Click on the Update tab. Click Update Now.
How to fix unsupported major minor version 51 error in Java?
Simplest solution to fix Unsupported major.minor version 51.0 error changes your Java virtual machine. Upgrade JRE to get a version the same or higher than the version you have used for compiling your project.
What is unsupportedclassversionerror XXX?
When JRE or JVM which is running the class doesn’t able to understand the class file version they throw java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: XXX : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0 error, where XXX is the name of your class which has an incompatible version.
Why is my class file version not working?
In order to run that class file, your JRE must understand that version. When JRE or JVM which is running the class doesn’t able to understand the class file version they throw java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: XXX : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0 error, where XXX is the name of your class which has an incompatible version.