Can you get ARD for theft in PA?
ARD isn’t just for DUI But it is available to first-time offenders facing many charges, including theft, harassment, and certain drug charges.
What does ARD stand for in court?
Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition
The Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (“ARD”) Program is supervised by the ARD Chief, who reviews criminal cases for potential admission. ARD is a unique program, approved by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, generally for first-time offenders who have no prior criminal convictions or prior ARD dispositions.
What does ARD mean in probation?
ARD is an acronym for the Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition program. If ARD is approved by the District Attorney, you will not have to admit guilt, and the charges are eventually dismissed after certain conditions such as classes, treatment, community service, payment of fines and a probationary period.
What is ARD used for?
The ard is most useful on light soils such as loams or sands, or in mountain fields where the soil is thin, and can be safely used in areas where deep ploughing would turn up hardpan or would cause salination or erosion. Ards may be drawn by oxen, water buffalo, donkeys, camels, or other animals.
How much does the ARD program cost in PA?
In some cases, first-time DUI offenders may be eligible for the ARD program. The total cost of ARD has been estimated to be $2,500, excluding attorney fees, but costs can go higher.
Who qualifies for ARD in PA?
Who Qualifies for the ARD Program in PA? Potential applicants to the ARD program must be first-time offenders with no prior criminal convictions in the past ten years, subject to some exceptions. They also cannot have prior ARD dispositions from going through the ARD program already.
Is Ard a conviction in PA?
ARD does not, and has never resulted in a conviction or finding of guilt. Nevertheless, under prior Pennsylvania law, a DUI that was dismissed through the ARD program was treated as a prior conviction for purposes of the mandatory minimum sentence enhancement for repeat DUI offenders.
How much does ARD cost in PA?
How does ard work in PA?
Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD) The program is intended to encourage offenders to make a fresh start after participating in a rehabilitative program and offers them the possibility of dismissal of charges and the expungement of the offender’s arrest record upon completion of the program.
Is ard a conviction in PA?
How long does ARD last in PA?
ARD probation typically lasts either six months or one year, but can be as little as 30 days for Marijuana possession cases. Once classes and community service are complete the individual must stay arrest free during that period of time.
Do you lose your license with ARD in PA?
The Pennsylvania Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition, ARD is a pre-trial diversionary program offered to first time offenders under certain conditions. You will be under 6-12 month probation under ARD supervision. You will attend mandatory Highway Safety classes. You may lose your license for some time.