What is an instance in animation?

What is an instance in animation?

What is an instance in animation?

Instances. Once you have a symbol, you can then use them in other symbols, or on the main stage. An occurrence of a symbol outside of the library is called an ‘instance’. Virtually all of the work done in Flash is done with symbol instances.

How do I create an instance name in Adobe animation?

Apply a custom name to an instance

  1. Select the instance on the Stage.
  2. Select Window > Properties, and enter a name in the Instance Name box.

What is animation in Flash name the types of animations in Flash?

The three types of animation in Flash are: Frame-By-Frame animation. Motion tweening. Shape tweening.

What is motion tween animation in Flash?

Motion tween is a type of animation that uses symbols to create movement, size and rotation changes, fades, and color effects. Classic tween refers to tweening in Flash CS3 and earlier, and is maintained in Animate primarily for transition purposes.

What is a keyframe animation?

Keyframing is the simplest form of animating an object. Based on the notion that an object has a beginning state or condition and will be changing over time, in position, form, color, luminosity, or any other property, to some different final form.

How do I place an instance of an animation in animate?

Animate can place instances only in keyframes, always on the current layer. If you don’t select a keyframe, Animate adds the instance to the first keyframe to the left of the current frame. Note: A keyframe is a frame in which you define a change in the animation.

How do I determine how animation sequences inside a graphic instance play?

To determine how animation sequences inside a graphic instance play in your Animate application, set options in the Property inspector. An animated graphic symbol is tied to the Timeline of the document in which the symbol is placed. In contrast, a movie clip symbol has its own independent Timeline.

How do I use the instance name in ActionScript?

Use the instance name to refer to an instance in ActionScript. To control instances with ActionScript®, give each instance within a single timeline a unique name. To specify color effects, assign actions, set the graphic display mode, or change the behavior of new instances, use the Property inspector.

How do I create an instance name for a symbol?

Select Window > Properties, and enter a name in the Instance Name box. Each symbol instance has its own properties that are separate from the symbol.