Is there any flooding in Grafton?

Is there any flooding in Grafton?

Is there any flooding in Grafton?

River levels at Grafton are now falling and no further flooding is expected.

What is the current Mississippi River stage?

Mississippi River @ Natchez, MS Flood Stage:48.0 Ft. Record High Stage:61.9 Ft.

Is Illinois River at flood stage?

Flood Stage:18 Ft. Record High Stage:29.35 Ft. Location of Gage : Located in Peoria County, IL….

Latest Data 05/15/2022 17:00 Central
Latest Stage 16.02 Ft.
Last Year’s Stage 14.99 Ft.
Today’s Historic Normal Stage 14.38 Ft.
24 Hr. Precip Total 0.00 In.

What is the Mississippi River stage at St Louis?

at a stage of 35.3 feet.

What height does Grafton flood?

Built on a floodplain, Grafton is historically no stranger to floods, with an 8.13m flood in 1890 the biggest on record. But its walls have not been breached since construction in 1967. In 2013 more than 2100 residents were evacuated from the suburbs of Dovedale and Northmeadow as the river reached a height of 8.08m.

Is the Mississippi River low right now?

After years of high water levels that induced floods, portions of the Mississippi River have now swung to unusually low flows, an extreme shift scientists say is likely caused by climate change. River levels are low in northern Minnesota, causing a lower flow in the river all the way to northern Illinois.

How high is the Tahlequah river right now?


Percent of Normal 274%
Gage Height 11.26 ft
Flood Stage 11.00 ft
Streamflow Discharge 9,670 cfs
24hr Prediction 1,570 cfs

How deep is the Mississippi River at St Louis MO?

200′Mississippi River / Max depth

How high is the Meramec River right now?

River Stage Reference Frame Gauge Height Flood Stage
NWS stage 0 ft 18 ft
Vertical Datum Elevation (gauge height = 0) Elevation (gauge height = flood stage)
NAVD88 391.22 ft 407.22 ft
NGVD 29 391.54 ft 407.54 ft