How to open MicroStrategy Intelligence Server configuration?
Open the MicroStrategy Configuration Wizard. Select Configure Intelligence Server, and click Next. From the DSN drop-down list, select the DSN used to connect to the metadata repository. Enter the User Name and Password for the database.
What is Project source in MicroStrategy?
Project sources represent a connection to a metadata database or a MicroStrategy Intelligence Server. The project source stores the location of the metadata repository or the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server definition that is used to run the project.
How is MicroStrategy licensed?
In a Named User licensing scheme, the privileges given to users and groups determine what licenses are assigned to users and groups. Intelligence Server monitors the number of users in your MicroStrategy system with each privilege, and compares that to the number of available licenses.
What is Project source?
Project Source is an interiors company dedicated to produce and source quality furnishings, having established long-lasting relations with real estate and architecture firms worldwide. We are specialized in designing and manufacturing unique furniture.
How do you create a project in MicroStrategy?
Log in to a project source in MicroStrategy Developer. To create a project source which connects to your data through Intelligence Server, see the Configuring and Connecting Intelligence Server chapter of the Installation and Configuration Help. Click Create project. The New Project page opens.
What is CPU based license?
CPU License means a license to use a Product on a single CPU, in support of an unspecified number of users. To operate a Product against multiple CPUs within the same computer or different computers, multiple CPU Licenses must be purchased. CPU Licenses are limited by processor speed.
Who makes project source?
Allen + Roth and Project Source is are fact, a Lowe’s proprietary products. The names are trademarked, according to U.S. Patent and Trade Mark records, by LF, LLC. a subsidiary of Lowe’s Companies, Inc. that seems to own all of the copyrights and trademarks used by Lowe’s including the copyright on the Lowe’s website.
Who makes project source cabinets?
Overview of Lowe’s Kitchen Cabinets You can find cabinets by these four main brands at this time: Project Source. Design House. Cambridge.
What is SQL server core-based licensing?
Core-based Under the Per Core licensing model, each server that runs SQL server software in a physical operating system environment (OSE) must have a core license for every core in the processor. The same logic is applied to the virtual cores in a virtual environment.
Who is Allen Roth?
Allen and Roth is an internationally recognized house brand owned by Lowe’s Companies, Inc. This brand is widely known for making household items. The brand Allen and Roth make everything one can see around his house, such as medicine and kitchen cabinets, doormats, etc.
Who is project source?
What are the duties and responsibilities of a software developer?
Examples of Software Developer responsibilities. Develop and implement new software programs. Maintain and improve the performance of existing software. Clearly and regularly communicate with management and technical support colleagues.
What is a good job title for software developer?
Software Developer job title. A great job title typically includes a general term, level of experience and any special requirements. The general term will optimize your job title to show up in a general search for jobs of the same nature.
What is a high-level developer?
This is a general term for a developer who writes code that is very far from the hardware, in high-level scripting languages such as PHP, Perl, Python, and Ruby. Web developers are often high-level developers, but not always.
What are the different types of developers?
Depending on job role and type of software developed, a developer may be classified as a software developer, application developer, mobile developer, Web developer, etc.