What is MyWi?

What is MyWi?

What is MyWi?

MyWi is a tethering application for jailbroken iPhones that allows you to share your device’s cellular data connectivity with computers, tablets and laptops.

How much does TetherMe cost?

TetherMe costs $4.99, while MyWi is a much more expensive $19.99. Granted, these prices are way less than what you would spend on a tethering or hotspot plan from your carrier, even just for a month, but you’ll either pay a few dollars or end up forking over a Jackson.

Is MyWi free?

3-Day Free Trial via Jailbreak your iPhone and install via Cydia! Easy iPhone WiFi Tethering! Enabling iPhone WiFi Tethering is simple. Just press the WiFi button and your broadcasting!

What is TetherMe on Cydia?

A Cydia tweak called TetherMe essentially spoofs the tethering on your iPhone to make it look like the data being used is just coming from your iPhone, rather than from your tethered laptop. Here’s how to set up and use TetherMe on your iPhone.

How do I install PdaNet on my iPhone?

If that doesn’t worry you, read on for a full how to on getting PdaNet setup to tether to your Laptop!

  1. Step One: JailBreak your iPhone.
  2. Step Two: Set Up Cydia.
  3. Step Three: Install PdaNet!
  4. Step Four: Set up an AdHoc WiFi Network.
  5. Step Five: Connect your iPhone to Your Ad Hoc WiFi Network.
  6. Step Six: Open PdaNet.

How do I download PdaNet on my iPhone?

Currently PdaNet is not available through App Store. You will need to jailbreak your iPhone (see instructions) first and install it through Cydia. To use WiFi mode you do not need anything installed on the computer end. To use USB mode, download the desktop client on Mac or Windows.

What is keep broadcasting Tetherme?

The Keep Broadcasting feature is for when you tether using WiFi. Normally, your iPhone must stay in the Personal Hotspot menu or else it will shut off if it doesn’t detect any traffic after a few minutes. To prevent this from happening, you can enable Keep Broadcasting.

What does it mean when someone is tethered?

Tethered describes something that’s tied up, like a horse that’s tethered to a fence or a dog that’s tethered to the person who is walking it. Whenever you confine a person or an animal to keep them in one place, they’re tethered.

How do I Force-Change my Wi-Fi to 5GHz?

You can force-change your Wi-Fi to 5GHz only by accessing router settings > advanced wireless settings and disabling 2.4GHz. Keep in mind that devices incompatible with 5GHz will be unable to connect to the Wi-Fi after this. If that’s an issue, you can force-connect to 5GHz on only a specific laptop by disabling VHT 2.4G.

Does my wireless adapter support 5GHz?

the adapter may support both 802.11n 2.4GHz, and 5GHz, but not necessarily the adapter supports 802.11c 5GHz Generally, a router that states it’s 802.11a/g/n, or 802.11ac will work at 5GHz. However, a router that is 802.11b/g/n has a slim chance of supporting that frequency, and you may need to upgrade.

What is the 5Ghz band used for?

● 5 GHz is favored for wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN) due to its speed and quality. With the correct antennas and routers, they can be configured for the indoor environment and run off a single access point. Such networks are already put to a range of office and domestic uses such uses as: