Can I use my phone as a pager?
Can I use my phone as a pager? SmartPhone Alert is an emergency notification app that provides the ability to send alerts securely to iPhone and Android phones. The alert displays fully on the screen and the user can easily respond to the alert, if…
How do I rename multiple files in FTP?
How do I rename multiple files in FTP? install curlftpfs sudo apt-get install curlftpfs. create the mount folder sudo mkdir /mnt/ftp_remote_root. jump into desired ftp remote folder cd /mnt/ftp_remote_root/path/to/folder. How do I rename a file in FTP? If you have an account on an FTP…
What is a Code 3 fire response?
What is a Code 3 fire response? United States. A Code 3 Response in the United States is used to describe a mode of response for an emergency vehicle responding to a call. It is commonly used to mean “use lights and siren”. In some…
Are spotted moray eels poisonous?
Are spotted moray eels poisonous? Moray eels aren’t poisonous — the most common complication from a moray eel bite is infection. More serious bites may require stitches, and some can cause long-term injury like the loss of a digit or body part. Try to avoid…
What is kidney beans name?
What is kidney beans name? The kidney bean is a variety of the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)….Kidney bean. Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz) Dietary fiber 7.4 g Fat 0.50 g Protein 8.7 g Vitamins Quantity %DV † What is rajma Telugu? English :…
What are the advantages of Internet for students?
What are the advantages of Internet for students? Benefits of the Internet for Students Relevant Content Available on the Internet. Connectivity and Communications Through Internet. Online Education Through the Internet. Internet Help in Searching. Self-Study from the Internet. Internet Saves Precious Time of the Students.…
How many hours of science should be taught in KS1?
How many hours of science should be taught in KS1? 2 hours English (including reading, writing, phonics and other literacy activities): 7 hours. Mathematics (equivalent to one session each day): 5 hours. Science (core subject): 2 hours. What Should Year 1 children know in maths?…
What is ip pim sparse dense mode in Cisco?
What is ip pim sparse dense mode in Cisco? The ‘ip pim sparse-dense mode’ command enables PIM to operate in sparse or dense mode, depending on the multicast group. When you enable sparse-dense mode, the interface is treated as dense mode if the multicast group…
How to open MicroStrategy Intelligence Server configuration?
How to open MicroStrategy Intelligence Server configuration? Open the MicroStrategy Configuration Wizard. Select Configure Intelligence Server, and click Next. From the DSN drop-down list, select the DSN used to connect to the metadata repository. Enter the User Name and Password for the database. What is…
How do you perform a spine exam?
How do you perform a spine exam? Palpate Palpate each spinous process for tenderness. Start with the atlanto-occipital joint and finishing at the sacroiliac joint. Palpate the trapezius and paraspinal muscles, assessing for muscle bulk, spasm and tenderness. Gently percuss down the spine for pain…
What did Tom dance to in Strictly this week?
What did Tom dance to in Strictly this week? Angry fans say the judges got it ‘horribly wrong’ after the McFly star was voted off the dancefloor with his professional dance partner Amy Dowden during Musicals Week. Tom and Amy had hoped to impress the…
What is arm GNU toolchain?
What is arm GNU toolchain? The GNU Arm Embedded toolchain contains integrated and validated packages featuring the GCC compiler, libraries, and other tools necessary for bare-metal software development. These toolchains target devices that are based on 32-bit Arm Cortex-A, Cortex-R and Cortex-M processors. How do…