How do you add text to a graph in MATLAB?

How do you add text to a graph in MATLAB?

How do you add text to a graph in MATLAB?

To add text to one point, specify x and y as scalars. To add text to multiple points, specify x and y as vectors with equal length. text( x , y , z , txt ) positions the text in 3-D coordinates. text(___, Name,Value ) specifies Text object properties using one or more name-value pairs.

How do I add a textbox to a MATLAB plot?

To add a text box with some text on a plot in MATLAB, you can use the annotation() function. The annotation() function creates a text box with given dimensions on the plot and adds given text to the text box. To add the given text to the text box, we have to use the String property inside the annotation() function.

How do you add a title to a legend in MATLAB?

To add a legend title, set the String property of the legend text object. To change the title appearance, such as the font style or color, set legend text properties. For a list, see Text Properties. plot(rand(3)); lgd = legend(‘line 1′,’line 2′,’line 3’); lgd.

How do I change the font of a legend in MATLAB?

You can change the font size for a MATLAB legend by setting the ‘FontSize’ property of the Legend object. For example, plot four lines. Create a legend and assign the Legend object to the variable ‘lgd’. Then, use dot notation to access the ‘FontSize’ property and set the value to 14 points.

How do you annotate a figure?

Figures should be labeled with a number followed by a descriptive caption or title. Captions should be concise but comprehensive. They should describe the data shown, draw attention to important features contained within the figure, and may sometimes also include interpretations of the data.

How do you bold a legend in MATLAB?

By default, MATLAB supports a subset of TeX markup. Use TeX markup to add superscripts and subscripts, modify the font type and color, and include special characters in the text….TeX Markup.

Modifier Description Example
_{ } Subscript ‘text_{subscript}’
\bf Bold font ‘\bf text’
\it Italic font ‘\it text’

Which text is a legend?

The legend is a side section of the chart that gives a small text description of each series. You can specify the text associated with each series in this legend, and specify where on the chart it should appear.