How many plasma gasification plants are there?
Currently, there are only two commercial plasma plants that process MSW, and they are both in Japan. In 1999, Hitachi Metals commissioned a pilot plant in Yoshii, Japan. This plant was modest, processing less than 30 tons per day of MSW.
Where is plasma gasification used?
-based company developed a proprietary Plasma Enhanced Melter gasification system that’s used in small-scale operations in Hawaii, Japan and Malaysia for disposing of hazardous waste. Domestically, the company is deploying its PEM technology on a commercial scale in Reno, Nev.
Is plasma gasification used in India?
Pune, Maharashtra, India (Maharashtra Enviro Power Limited) A 72 tonne-per-day plasma-based hazardous waste treatment plant, located in Pune, India, was commissioned in 2008. It is based on Westinghouse Plasma Corporation’s (WPC) plasma technology and reactor vessel design.
How much does it cost to build a plasma gasification plant?
The cost of a typical plasma gasification system is between 65 and 200 million USD for a 0.5ktons per day plant [213]. This is quite significant when compared to conventional gasification systems which are approximately 80 million USD [214] .
How much does a plasma arc cost?
The base plasma plant scenario conducted yielded a capital charge of $76.8 per ton of MSW processed, higher than the estimated capital charge of $60/ton for a grate combustion WTE plant. The detailed costs of each process were higher than the base case: $81/ton for Alter NRG, $86/ton for Europlasma.
How much do biomass plants cost?
Small-scale biomass electric plants have installed costs of $3,000 to $4,000 per kW, and a levelized cost of energy of $0.8 to $0.15 per kilowatt hour (kWh).
What cities use gasification?
Existing facilities
- Wuhan, China (Wuhan Kaidi/Alter NRG, demonstration plant)
- Pune, Maharashtra, India (Maharashtra Enviro Power Limited)
- Mihama-Mikata, Japan (Hitachi Metals Ltd.)
- National Cheng Kung University – Tainan City, Taiwan (PEAT International)
- USS Gerald R.
What is a plasma gasification plant?
plasma arc gasification (PAG), waste-treatment technology that uses a combination of electricity and high temperatures to turn municipal waste (garbage or trash) into usable by-products without combustion (burning).
What is the largest plasma gasification plant in the world?
The facility is the largest plasma gasification WTE plant in the world processing hazardous waste. In January 2013, Alter NRG announced that Wuhan Kaidi had successfully commissioned a Westinghouse plasma gasification unit at a demonstration facility located in Wuhan, China.
Are there any planned waste plasma gasification projects?
No planned waste plasma gasification projects are currently known. In 2015 Advanced Plasma Power has been awarded 11 million GBP of funding from the Department of Transport and 6 million GBP from Ofgem to develop and erect the first commercial gasification facility based on the Gasplasma process.
What is the plasma gasification unit?
The plasma gasification unit was designed to process approximately 100 tons per day of biomass waste and convert it to clean syngas. The clean syngas is then to be converted into diesel fuel and other transportation fuels at the Kaidi facility.
Where is Westinghouse Plasma gasification being used?
In January 2013, Alter NRG commissioned a Westinghouse plasma gasification unit at a demonstration facility in Wuhan, China. The plasma gasification unit was designed to process approximately 100 tons per day of biomass waste and convert it to clean syngas.