What does the birthday of Guru Gobind Singh remember?
We’re celebrating Guru Gobind Singhji’s birthday (Gurupurab) today, who was the tenth guru of the Sikh community. It is believed that Shri Guru Gobind Singh was born on 22nd December, 1666. He was the only son of the ninth guru, Guru Teg Bahadur and Mata Gujri.
How do you wish gurpurab?
On this auspicious occasion of Gurpurab, I wish that you are showered with the divine blessings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji today and forever. Happy Guru Nanak Jayanti! May Guru Nanak Dev Ji inspire you to achieve all your goals and may his blessings be with you in whatever you do in life. Happy Gurpurab.
How do we celebrate the birth anniversary of Guru Gobind Singh?
The birth anniversary of Guru Gobind Singh is celebrated with enthusiasm by his devotees who visit gurudwaras to seek his blessings. Devotees also distribute food and clothes to needy on this day.
What are the best wishes to Guru Gobind Singh ji?
May Guru Gobind Singh Ji bless you and your family with joy, peace and happiness for eternity; may he inspire us to be a better human being. Happy Gurpurab. 7). Wish you all a happy and spiritually fulfilling life. May Guruji bless you with his divine blessings. 8). May the teachings of Guruji bring wisdom and compassion in all the fellow beings.
When is Guru Gobind ji’s birthday in 2018?
In 2018, Guru Gobind ji’s birthday falls on January 13 th. His year is his 350 th year birth anniversary. Guruji was the tenth Sikh guru of Nanak. He was born on 22 nd December 1666 in Patna, Bihar, India. He became the tenth sikh guru of Nanak. He became the spiritual leader at the age of nine.
Why do we celebrate Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti?
May Guru Govind Singh Ji gives you, the courage and strength to fight the evil, and stand by the side of truth. Happy Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti!