What is osr training?

What is osr training?

What is osr training?

Offshore Safety Representative (OSR) Training program sets out the minimum level of training that safety representatives, who have been elected under the Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations – SI 1989/971, should receive to assist them to fulfil their functions as defined in those regulations.

What is OSR in software?

About. OSR Open Systems Resources develops Windows system software and tools.

What is OSR in architecture?

Open Space Ratio (OSR) This term is widely used when you are talking about residential projects or spaces. OSR is estimated by dividing the total open space (the common space proposed for development) by the area of the total land parcel. Area less than 320 sq ft are not considered as open space.

How do I open an OSR file?

If you receive an OSR file, you can double-click it to see the replay summary and watch the replay (assuming the osu! software is installed). Replays can be saved at the end of a game by clicking the save replay or export replay option.

What is meant by open space reservation?

An open space reserve (also called open space preserve, open space reservation, and green space) is an area of protected or conserved land or water on which development is indefinitely set aside.

How is FSI built up area calculated?

Calculation for Floor in Buildng

  1. FSI is used to calculate the Total Built Up area of the site and also to calculate the No.
  2. To Calculate the Total Built up Area of the site.
  3. Total Plot Area X FSI = Total Built Up Area.
  4. To Calculate the No.: Of Floors Allowed.
  5. Total Built Up Area / Max.
  6. (If it’s needed to increase the No.

What is .OSR extension?

OSR filename suffix is mostly used for Osu! Replay Format files. Osu! Replay Format specification was created by peppy. Files with OSR extension may be used by programs distributed for Windows platform.

What is OSR in Dtcp?

The land reserved for OSR (Open Space Reservation) purposes should be free from any other construction. Structures for a watchman’s booth, gardener’s instrument room, toilets, and police booth for the purpose of maintenance may be permitted with a total floor area of 5% of the total OSR in one place.

How do I give OSR?

Open Space Ratio (OSR) OSR is estimated by dividing the total open space (the common space proposed for development) by the area of the total land parcel.

What is FSI and TDR?

a) Transferable Development Rights (TDR) is a compensation in the form of Floor Space Index (FSI) or. Development Rights which shall entitle the owner for. construction of built-up area against handing over the area. under plot or land which is under various reservation as per. development plan.

What is TDR in construction?

Transferable development rights (TDR) is a method by which developers can purchase the development rights of certain parcels within a designated “sending district” and transfer the rights to another “receiving district” to increase the density of their new development.