What is the synonym of rigorously?

What is the synonym of rigorously?

What is the synonym of rigorously?

Some common synonyms of rigorous are rigid, strict, and stringent. While all these words mean “extremely severe or stern,” rigorous implies the imposition of hardship and difficulty.

Is the meaning of rigorously?

Definition of rigorous 1 : manifesting, exercising, or favoring rigor : very strict. 2a : marked by extremes of temperature or climate. b : harsh, severe. 3 : scrupulously accurate : precise.

What does rigorous work mean?

If you are rigorous when you do something, you do it extremely carefully and precisely.

Is it rigorous or vigorous?

is that rigorous is manifesting, exercising, or favoring rigour; allowing no abatement or mitigation; scrupulously accurate; exact; strict; severe; relentless; as, a rigorous officer of justice; a rigorous execution of law; a rigorous definition or demonstration while vigorous is physically strong and active.

What is opposite of the word rigorous?

Opposite of strict or exacting in standards. lenient. gentle. relaxed. easy.

What is a rigorous person like?

adjective. If someone is rigorous in the way that they do something, they are very careful and thorough. He is rigorous in his control of expenditure. Synonyms: thorough, meticulous, painstaking, scrupulous More Synonyms of rigorous.

Which exercises did you workout in the vigorous exercise intensity?

Typical Vigorous-Intensity Physical Activities

  • Jogging or running.
  • Racewalking.
  • Hiking uphill.
  • Cycling more than 10 miles per hour or steeply uphill.
  • Swimming fast or lap swimming.
  • Dancing, fast dancing, and step aerobics.
  • Strength training.
  • Heavy gardening with digging, hoeing.

What is the noun of rigorous?

rigour. Severity or strictness. A trembling or shivering response. Character of being unyielding or inflexible.