What was the result of the English Reformation?
The Reformation had significant effects for England. The monarch became the head of the Protestant Church of England, monasteries were abolished and their wealth confiscated, and there were significant changes in church services, notably the use of the English language and not Latin.
What were the political results of the Reformation?
The massive turmoil that the Reformation caused had a lasting impact on European politics. Soon after the Catholic Church deemed Martin Luther a “protestant,” Europe became divided along confessional, as well as territorial, lines. The religious turmoil of the period led to warfare within most states and between many.
What was one political cause of the English Reformation?
In England, the Reformation began with Henry VIII’s quest for a male heir. When Pope Clement VII refused to annul Henry’s marriage to Catherine of Aragon so he could remarry, the English king declared in 1534 that he alone should be the final authority in matters relating to the English church.
What was the result of the Catholic Reformation?
the catholic church reformed itself to counter the spread of the protestant religions. this happened through the council of trent, the establishment of new religious orders and the setting up of the inquisition. europe was divided into catholic and protestant countries.
What was one political effect of the Protestant Reformation in England?
b) One political consequence of the English Reformation was the Elizabethan Religious Settlement, which re-established the Church of England after Bloody Mary had abolished it.
How did the Reformation affect society?
Ultimately the Protestant Reformation led to modern democracy, skepticism, capitalism, individualism, civil rights, and many of the modern values we cherish today. The Protestant Reformation increased literacy throughout Europe and ignited a renewed passion for education.
What was the political and social effect of the Reformation?
The fundamental doctrine of the Reformation movement led to the growth of marked individualism which resulted in grave social, political, and economic conflicts. It led ultimately to the growth of individual liberty and democracy.
Was the English Reformation political or religious?
During the seven years of Edward’s reign, a Protestant establishment would gradually implement religious changes that were “designed to destroy one Church and build another, in a religious revolution of ruthless thoroughness”. Initially, however, Edward was of little account politically.
What were the political effects of Catholic decline?
Both the Catholic Church and other denominations began placing more emphasis on the role of education, for example the founding of the Jesuit Order. The political effects of the reformation resulted in the decline of the Catholic Church’s moral and political authority and gave monarchs and states more power.
What caused the Protestant Reformation in England and what resulted from it?
What caused the Protestant Reformation in England, and what resulted from it? Corruption in the Catholic Church, such as the sale of indulgences, humanism cuased people to question the church. It resulted in an entirely new church. The Church of England in 1532.
What were effects of the Protestant Reformation?
What was one political effect of the Protestant Reformation in France?
4 Thirty Years’ War The most prominent political consequence of the Protestant Reformation was the Thirty Years’ War between Catholics and Protestants, from 1618 to 1648. Involving nearly all major European countries, the war was the worst Europe had seen, with over 8 million dead.