How old is Lissandra?

How old is Lissandra?

How old is Lissandra?

between around 9000 and 10000 years old
Lissandra is among the very last living original Iceborn. Based on the timeline in Realms of Runeterra, Lissandra is between around 9000 and 10000 years old.

How was Lissandra blinded?

Lissandra was blinded by the claws of a primal demi-god, when she and her sisters sought to conquer all the lands of the ancient Freljord. In spite of the many wondrous and terrifying things she has achieved in the millennia since, her magic has never been able to restore her sight.

Should I play Lissandra?

Lissandra is really good in team fights. She can easily CC high priority targets and single-handedly win a team fight due to her AoE abilities and Passive. R at level 11 will provide her with a lot of pick potential. She can use that ability frequently, which means that team fights and picks will be pretty frequent.

What did Lissandra do?

Lissandra’s desire for power brought the beginning of the end to Runeterra. She made a pact with the Watchers to prepare the world for the Void. And in an attempt to stop this take over, she sacrificed her sisters, Avarosa and Serylda, and her people.

Is Lissandra alive?

During the final day of the rebellion, the Watchers broke out and threatened to consume the world, Lissandra betrayed the Watchers and sealed them away under the Howling Abyss. At that battle she sacrificed many, including both Avarosa and Serylda.

Is Lissandra a demigod?

Three sisters emerged who seeked the power of the ancient gods for this goal. Those were Lissandra, Avarosa and Serylda. The demigods are no longer the unquestioned masters of Freljord.

Who goes well with Lissandra?

Lissandra wins more against

Name Winrate
Irelia Mid +7.8%
Fizz Mid +4.8%
Katarina Mid +4.2%
Yasuo Mid +3.7%

How did Lissandra get her powers?

War of the Three Sisters On behalf of her and her sisters, she would struck a deal with them to prepare Runeterra for the coming of the Void. In exchange, Lissandra and her allies would be granted near-immortality and the ability to withstand the worst of the numbing frost.

Is Lissandra evil lol?

Lissandra in “Enter the Freljord”. Lissandra, also known as The Ice Witch, is a villainous playable character in the multiplayer online battle arena game League of Legends.

Is Lissandra a hero?

Lissandra weaves her way through the crevasses between crystals, toward one of the most exotic heroes in her collection. Silence breeds mysteries, and she loves coaxing secrets from unspeaking lips… She feels a shift in temperature, an aura of warmth.