What does the latter rain mean in the Bible?
The Bible passage states that the former (fall) rain and latter (spring) rain were poured down from God. These rains marked the beginning and end of the Jewish harvest.
What was the Latter Rain movement?
The Latter Rain, also known as the New Order or the New Order of the Latter Rain, was a post–World War II movement within Pentecostal Christianity which remains controversial. The movement saw itself as a continuation of the restorationism of early pentecostalism.
What does latter mean in the Bible?
denoting the second or second mentioned of two: distinguished from former.
What is Latter Rain oil used for?
DAILY PRAYER: Use of fragrant anointing oil or balm during daily prayer offers a lingering reminder and encouragement that Jesus is always near. THOUGHTFUL RELIGIOUS GIFT: Our Latter Rain anointing oil is a thoughtful and considerate gift to give those using prayer in daily life.
What does autumn rain mean?
Beyond the literal meaning of rain as precipitation, there is great symbolic significance to the autumn rains in the Bible. Just as rain refreshes dry soil, God refreshes the souls of His people with His Holy Spirit.
What does the latter refer to?
Definition of the latter 1 : the second one of two things or people that have been mentioned Of these two options, the former is less expensive, while the latter is less risky.
What are latter days?
Definition of latter-day 1 : of present or recent times latter-day prophets. 2 : of a later or subsequent time.
What does autumn symbolize in the Bible?
Autumn is a beautiful season that signifies both the year coming to an end and the approach of the New Year, when the calendar turns and we step forward in time.
What does it mean when you dream of a lot of rain?
The rain may be a symbol of destruction but it is also a symbol of a new beginning. To dream of raining represents the downpour of spiritual aspects in your life. This downpour may start with some negative things but you will always end up on a positive note.