What does the word valet?

What does the word valet?

What does the word valet?

Definition of valet (Entry 1 of 2) 1a : an employee (as of a hotel or a public facility) who performs personal services for customers. b : a man’s male servant who performs personal services (such as taking care of clothing) 2 : a device (such as a rack or tray) for holding clothing or personal effects.

What is another word for Butler?

What is another word for butler?

steward valet
man manservant
head servant house boy

What do you mean by puckered?

: to become wrinkled or constricted. transitive verb. : to contract into folds or wrinkles. pucker.

What is a female valet?

A valet or “gentleman’s gentleman” is a gentleman’s male servant; the closest female equivalent is a lady’s maid.

What is the origin of valet?

valet (n.) (late 12c. as a surname), from Old French valet, variant of vaslet “man’s servant, workman’s assistant,” originally “squire, young man, youth of noble birth” (12c.), from Gallo-Roman *vassellittus “young nobleman, squire, page,” diminutive of Medieval Latin vassallus, from vassus “servant” (see vassal).

What is a good butler name?

Dignified Names for Butlers

  • Abraham.
  • Alfred.
  • Archibald.
  • Arnold.
  • Arthur.
  • Barnaby.
  • Bennet.
  • Belvedere.

What puckered lips?

: to squeeze one’s lips together in the way people do when they are going to kiss someone.

What crinkle means?

1a : to form many short bends or ripples. b : wrinkle. 2 : to give forth a thin crackling sound : rustle crinkling silks.

What is the meaning of valet?

1. (Professions) a manservant who acts as personal attendant to his employer, looking after his clothing, serving his meals, etc. val•et. n. 1. a male servant who attends to the personal needs of his employer, as by taking care of clothing; manservant.

What does your favorite flower mean?

Read on to know more about flower meanings and to see what your favorite flower means Alstroemeria flower is symbolic of wealth, prosperity and fortune. It is also the flower of friendship. Amaryllis This flower is symbolic of splendid beauty. It is also used to indicate worth beyond beauty.

What do flowers mean to you?

Flower meanings and symbolism Flowers are such a beauty among us. We use them to beautify our worlds and lives. They add essence and meaning to our lives and make our lives beautiful and a lot happier by their presence.

What is the meaning of Victorian flowers?

The Victorian meaning signifies affection and mortality. In Chinese folklore, they represent a day for lovers to meet. The Pansy indicates love or admiration of one person for another. It is also the birth flower of February. The Peony represents compassion and bashfulness.