What is the meaning of measuring stick?

What is the meaning of measuring stick?

What is the meaning of measuring stick?

Definitions of measuring stick. measuring instrument having a sequence of marks at regular intervals; used as a reference in making measurements. synonyms: measure, measuring rod.

What’s another word for measuring stick?

In this page you can discover 15 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for measuring stick, like: benchmark, gauge, guide, guideline, standard, test, touchstone, yardstick, criterion, standard of comparison and frame of reference.

What is the purpose of a yardstick?

A long tool used to measure lengths of up to three feet is called a yardstick. A carpenter carefully measuring lengths of wood before cutting might use a yardstick. A yardstick is basically a long ruler — three times as long, to be specific — with units marked in inches.

What is a compound word for measuring stick?

A rigid, flat, and rectangular tool for measuring length. ruler. yardstick. rule.

Is a measuring stick a rule or ruler?

In American English, the word “ruler” is often used specifically to refer to such a measuring device that is one foot (12 inches) long. Used in contrast with “yardstick” and “meter stick.”

What is the measuring wheel called?

surveyor’s wheel
A surveyor’s wheel, also called a clickwheel, hodometer, waywiser, trundle wheel, measuring wheel or perambulator is a device for measuring distance.

What is a four foot measuring stick called?

Also known as a “mule clubber”, these measuring sticks are 48″ long with an inch scale at 1/8″ intervals and numeric markings on the inch. The wood has a natural finish, and the extra-long length will suit all of your measuring needs!

Which would be the closest synonym for the word gauge?

synonyms for gauge

  • barometer.
  • benchmark.
  • criterion.
  • indicator.
  • meter.
  • pattern.
  • yardstick.
  • basis.

What is a yardstick slang?

If you use someone or something as a yardstick, you use them as a standard for comparison when you are judging other people or things.

How do you use yardstick in a sentence?

If you use someone or something as a yardstick, you use them as a standard for comparison when you are judging other people or things. There has been no yardstick by which potential students can assess schools. She had never had a boyfriend before and so had no yardstick by which to compare Charles’s behaviour.

What is the different between rule and ruler?

As nouns the difference between ruler and rule is that ruler is a (usually rigid), flat, rectangular measuring or drawing device with graduations in units of measurement; a rule; a straightedge with markings; a measure while rule is a regulation, law, guideline.

What is a measuring stick?

1. measuring stick – measuring instrument having a sequence of marks at regular intervals; used as a reference in making measurements

What is the meaning of sticks?

I am a little confused about the meaning of “sticks”. Is it a metaphor for one stick-shaped unit like a cigar or cigarette, or is it a weight or volume unit? Show activity on this post. Yes, sticks refers to the stick-shaped objects and is used as a hypernym for cigarette, cigarillo and cigar for clarity.

What is the meaning of measuring device?

measuring device, measuring instrument, measuring system – instrument that shows the extent or amount or quantity or degree of something. ruler, rule – measuring stick consisting of a strip of wood or metal or plastic with a straight edge that is used for drawing straight lines and measuring lengths.