What is the meaning of straddling in Urdu?

What is the meaning of straddling in Urdu?

What is the meaning of straddling in Urdu?

Noun. The act of sitting or standing astride. ٹانگیں پھیلا کر بیٹھنے کا عمل

What does straddling someone mean?

1straddle something/somebody to sit or stand with one of your legs on either side of someone or something He swung his leg over the motorcycle, straddling it easily.

What does straddle partner mean?

The straddling partner will hold onto the torso of their partner to help move and thrust. With thrusting, it is always a great idea to start slower and then speed up, so that the two of you are rhythmically on the same page.

How do you use straddle in a sentence?

Straddle in a Sentence ?

  1. He knew he couldn’t straddle the issue any longer and that he would have to choose sides.
  2. She tried to straddle the horse, but he kept bucking her off.
  3. It was difficult for her to straddle her vehicle on the car wash tracks.

What is a straddle price?

A straddle is an options strategy involving the purchase of both a put and call option for the same expiration date and strike price on the same underlying security. The strategy is profitable only when the stock either rises or falls from the strike price by more than the total premium paid.

What does straddling mean in business?

What are straddle prices for stocks?

What is straddle positioning?

Definition: Straddle positioning is a strategy where a brand tries to position its product in two categories simultaneously. This helps create a dual image of the product to serve a larger audience. Brands use a mix of Point of Parity (POP) and Point of Difference (POD) to find segments and position their product.

When should I buy a straddle?

It is recommended to buy the option when the stock is undervalued or discounted, regardless of how the stock moves. It is considered a low risk trade for investors because, as shown in the example, the cost of purchasing the call and put options is the maximum amount of loss the trader will face.

What is a straddle option example?

Long straddles involve buying a call and put with the same strike price. For example, buy a 100 Call and buy a 100 Put. Long strangles, however, involve buying a call with a higher strike price and buying a put with a lower strike price. For example, buy a 105 Call and buy a 95 Put.

What is a stock straddle?