What supergroup is alveolates?

What supergroup is alveolates?

What supergroup is alveolates?

SAR supergroup
The SAR supergroup, also just SAR or Harosa, is a clade that includes stramenopiles (heterokonts), alveolates, and Rhizaria.

What is a characteristic of stramenopiles?

Stramenopiles (also known as heterokonts) usually have a flagellate stage in the life cycle that has a characteristic type of stiff tubular ‘hairs’ arranged in two rows on one flagellum (see Patterson, 1999). These flagellates swim in the direction the hair-bearing flagellum is pointing.

Are stramenopiles protists?

Stramenopiles or heterokonts constitute one of the most speciose and diverse clades of protists. It includes ecologically important algae (such as diatoms or large multicellular brown seaweeds), as well as heterotrophic (e.g. bicosoecids, MAST groups) and parasitic (e.g. Blastocystis, oomycetes) species.

What characteristics do alveolates share?

The alveolates are protists characterized by the presence of sacs of fluid under the cell membrane. These sacs, which are fluids enclosed by lipid fat or wax, are called alveoli, hence the name alveolates. The exact function of the alveoli is unknown, but it could be for strength or temperature regulation.

Which of these is grouped with stramenopiles?

Stramenopiles: Diatoms, Brown Algae, Golden Algae and Oomycetes. The other subgroup of chromalveolates, the stramenopiles, includes photosynthetic marine algae and heterotrophic protists. The unifying feature of this group is the presence of a textured, or “hairy,” flagellum.

How are alveolates characterized?

The alveolates are protists characterized by the presence of sacs of fluid under the cell membrane. These sacs, which are fluids enclosed by lipid fat or wax, are called alveoli, hence the name alveolates.

What characteristics share alveolates?

The most notable shared characteristic is the presence of cortical (near the surface) alveoli (sacs). These are flattened vesicles (sacs) arranged as a layer just under the membrane and supporting it, typically contributing to a flexible pellicle (thin skin).

What are the types of alveolates?

The alveolates are further categorized into some of the better-known protists: the dinoflagellates, the apicomplexans, and the ciliates. Dinoflagellates exhibit extensive morphological diversity and can be photosynthetic, heterotrophic, or mixotrophic.

How many types of Stramenopiles are there?

Of the roughly 100,000 species of stramenopiles, most are algae. Some are very small, such as diatoms, the main components of plankton. Diatoms are unicellular algae with a hard silica cell wall called a frustule.

What are the characteristics of Stramenopiles?

Stramenopiles is a monophyletic eukaryotic group characterized by the presence of two flagella, of which the immature flagellum bears tripartite hairs. The group comprises 21 classes with >100 000 species.

Is Stramenopiles group heterotrophic or autotrophic?

StramenopilesGroup consists of 4 heterotrophic clades and 15 predominantly autotrophic clades and contains many examples of secondarily-derived heterotrophs; in autotrophic groups, fucoxanthin is the dominant accessory pigment. Apomorphic (derived) trait is the tubular tripartite flagellar hair construction, basal portion of which is attached to…