What superhero has ginger hair?

What superhero has ginger hair?

What superhero has ginger hair?

To celebrate, here are the top 16 redheads in comics.

  1. 1 Jean Grey. Redheads are known for being “fiery,” but Jean Grey took that to a whole new level.
  2. 2 Mary Jane Watson.
  3. 3 Daredevil.
  4. 4 Black Widow.
  5. 5 Rorschach.
  6. 6 Jimmy Olsen.
  7. 7 Poison Ivy.
  8. 8 Medusa.

Which Robin has red hair?

Distinguished by his red hair (as opposed to the black hair of Dick Grayson), Todd is unfailingly cheerful, wearing his circus costume to fight crime until Dick Grayson presents him with a Robin costume of his own.

Which Robin was a red head?

Remember how we talked about the two different Jason Todds? That’s right, there was the first one, who first appeared in Batman #357 and was a red head. This is called Jason’s “pre-Crisis” origin, or is lovingly referred to as “pre-Crisis ginger.” And here he is in his first Robin costume.

What villain has red hair?

Poison Ivy A classic red-haired villain of DC, Poison Ivy is sensually divine. Surrounded by and exacting great power over plants and the natural world, she is a force to be reckoned with. And, redheads always look good in green.

What Marvel superhero has red hair?

Jean Grey took the top spot on Ranker as the fan-voted best redhead Marvel superhero. Fans who only watch the films might not know that Jean Grey often comes up in discussions of the most powerful Marvel characters. Debuting in 1963 in X-Men #1, she also stands as the oldest character on this list.

Does Jason have red hair?

For one thing, Jason’s hair color indicated how eager he was to imitate Dick Grayson as a child so he could earn Batman’s approval. With the reintroduction of Jason’s red hair, perhaps other parts of his Pre-Crisis history could return as well.

Who are the villains in the Batgirl comics?

He is also the father of Stephanie Brown, who became the Spoiler and the third Batgirl. Condiment King: A villain who makes use of various condiments, sometimes capable of causing anaphylactic shock, as his weapons. Cornelius Stirk: A deranged serial killer, who has the ability to alter his appearance in other people’s minds.

Who is the villain in Superman Red Son?

This version of Batman is a drastic departure from the usual Batman; whereas Batman is typically heroic (albeit brooding), this version is the secondary antagonist in Superman: Red Son comic and the movie adaption. In the motion comic, he was voiced by Kirk Thornton, who currently voices Shadow the Hedgehog.

What kind of crime does Batman fight in Gotham?

Main article: Gotham Organized Crime The first villains the Batman ever had to fight in Gotham City were naturally the local organized crime syndicates, set in place long before himself. Gotham City is one of the most notorious cities in America for both crime and corruption, and as such has some of the toughest and most relentless mobsters.

Who is the Roman in Batman?

Led by Carmine Falcone (also known as The Roman) and prominent in the storylines of Batman’s early years, including Year One, The Long Halloween, and Dark Victory.