Where is fuelman accepted near me?

Where is fuelman accepted near me?

Where is fuelman accepted near me?

Fuelman discount sites can be found at www.fuelman.com/sitelocator. Fuelman is accepted Chevron/Texaco, ARCO, Pilot, Wawa, Walmart/Sam’s Club, Love’s, QuikTrip, Kum and Go, OnCue and Buc-ee’s but transactions are not eligible for any rebate.

Where is Fleetcor accepted?

Walmart will begin accepting FLEETCOR commercial payment cards at all 900 owned, operated and branded Walmart and Sam’s Club fueling locations, and more than 2,500 Walmart Auto Care Centers across the United States .

Can I buy tires with fuelman card?

Tire Kingdom, which operates under the Tire Kingdom, NTB, and Merchant’s Tire & Auto Service brands throughout the United States, has agreed to accept Fuelman cards in October 2004 at their more than 600 locations nationwide.

What is fuelman network?

Fuelman is the smart and easy way to control fuel expenses. With programs that offer customizable fuel control, comprehensive and timely reporting, exception alerts and acceptance at 50k+ stations nationwide, Fuelman offers a Fleet Fuel Management Program to help keep your business running smoothly.

Is fuelman a Wex card?

Fuelman does offer the CFN Fleetwide card which has access to CFN cardlock locations (WEX does not) and Fuelman locations which is something you may want to consider if your company operates in California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, of the Dallas Forth-Worth metroplex.

How do you use a fuelman pump card?

When you reserve a University vehicle, you will receive a Fuelman card. You will also receive your own personal pin number. Pull up to the pump and fuel your vehicle — you then must pay inside the store. You will need to enter your personal pin number and your vehicle mileage.

Who uses Fleetcor?

Their customers include businesses, commercial fleets, oil companies, petroleum marketers and government in America, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Slovakia and various countries. The company provides services through two segments: North American and International segments.

What can I use my Fuelman card for?

What is the Fuelman Fleet Card? A Fuelman fleet card lets you pay for gas, repair services, and other supplies at a range of gas stations and convenience stores across the US. A Fuelman card can be topped up with regular money, and preset with customizable spend limits and restrictive access controls.

Can I use my Fuelman card for maintenance?

TAKE YOUR FUELMAN FUEL CARD TO THE NEXT LEVEL Get all of your fuel and maintenance tasks done with one card and one invoice, in one place.

How often does Fuelman report to credit bureaus?

once every three months
Fuelman will review each High Credit Risk Account at least once every three months for changes in creditworthiness. This decision is made solely by Fuelman based on information provided by the credit reporting agency along with the Account’s payment history.

What can Fuelman card be used for?

A Fuelman fleet card lets you pay for gas, repair services, and other supplies at a range of gas stations and convenience stores across the US. A Fuelman card can be topped up with regular money, and preset with customizable spend limits and restrictive access controls.