How do you convert kg to m3 of concrete?
The answer is: The change of 1 kg – kilo ( kilogram ) unit of concrete measure equals = to 0.00042 m3 ( cubic meter ) as the equivalent measure for the same concrete type.
How do you calculate 1m3?
The formula of cubic meter for measuring different units Centimetre = l × b × h ÷ 10,00,000 = cubic meters. Millimetre = l × b × h ÷ 1,00,00,00,000 = cubic meters. Inches = l × b × h ÷ 61,023.8 = cubic meters. Feet = l × b × h ÷ 35.315 = cubic meters.
How many kg is 1m3 of aggregate?
Density of 10 mm aggregate is 1600 kg/m3, it means 1 cubic metre of 10 mm aggregate weight is 1600 kg.
What is the weight of 1m3 of concrete?
2.5 Tonnes
One cubic metre of concrete weighs 2.5 Tonnes. Typically, 1m3 of concrete is made up of 350Kg of cement, 700Kg of sand, 1,200Kg of chippings and 150 Litres of water.
How many kg is equal to M3?
m3 is the unit of volume. kg is the unit of mass. So to convert to kg, you should know the density of the matter with which you have filled the volume. for example, density of water is 1000 kg/m3. hence, mass of 1m3 of water= 1000kg/ m3 X m3= 1000kg. density of air is approximately 1.225 kg/m3.
How do you convert kg to M3?
kg/m3↔kg/L 1 kg/L = 1000 kg/m3
How many M3 is there to a kilogram?
How many cubic meter in 1 kilo gram? The answer is 0.001173552765377. We assume you are converting between cubic metre and kilogram [sugar]. You can view more details on each measurement unit: cubic meter or kilo gram The SI derived unit for volume is the cubic meter. 1 cubic meter is equal to 852.11336848478 kilo gram.
How do I convert m3 into kilograms?
Check your calculator for a Conversion function. Many advanced graphing calculators will have a “conversion” function key.