What is Nasoalveolar Moulding?

What is Nasoalveolar Moulding?

What is Nasoalveolar Moulding?

Nasoalveolar molding (NAM) is a presurgical therapy used to reduce the size of the cleft or palate deformity of the lip, gum and nose before surgical repair. The goal of NAM is to reduce the size of the cleft deformity of the lip, gum and nose (oronasal deformity) before surgical repair.

When should I start Nasoalveolar molding?

Timing is very important. The best time to begin NAM is 1 to 2 weeks after birth. At birth there is a high level of hyaluronic acid in an infant’s body. This helps make the cartilage in the nose and gum easier to shape.

Which is a complication of the Nasoalveolar molding Nam appliance therapy?

The most common problems observed during NAM therapy are irritation to the oral mucosa, gingival tissue or nasal mucosa. Intraoral tissues may ulcerate from excessive pressure applied by the appliance. These are commonly found in the oral vestibule and on the labial side of the premaxilla.

What are the types of cleft palate?

Types of cleft palate

  • Incomplete cleft palate: Opening in the back of the mouth, called the soft palate.
  • Complete cleft palate: Opening in the front and back of the mouth, or the soft and hard palates.
  • Submucous cleft palate: Muscles within the soft palate are separated or cleft but the skin or mucous membrane is closed.

How does a baby eat with cleft palate?

Most babies with a cleft of the palate are not able to use standard bottles or solely breast feed because they cannot create the suction needed to draw the milk out of the nipple. Special bottles and nipples are available to help infants with cleft palate feed and grow.

What is the purpose of the Nasoalveolar molding appliance or NAM in the treatment of cleft lip and cleft palate?

Nasoalveolar (pronounced nay-zoh-al-VEE-uh-ler) molding (NAM) is a nonsurgical way to reshape the gums, lip and nostrils with a plastic plate before cleft lip and palate surgery. Pre-surgery molding may decrease the number of surgeries your child needs because it makes the cleft less severe.

What is a NAM device?

Nasoalveolar Molding (NAM) is a nonsurgical method of reshaping the gums, lip and nose before cleft lip and palate surgery. The NAM appliance is a small removable device similar to an orthodontic retainer. It gradually applies pressure to decrease the severity of the cleft and improve the shape of the nose.

What are the three main cleft groups?

Abstract. Cleft lip can be classified into three groups according to the fissure site: unilateral cleft lip, bilateral cleft lip, and median cleft lip [1].

What is the most common type of cleft?

The most frequent type was cleft lip and palate, accounting for 40.8% overall. Analysis of cleft type by gender revealed that cleft lip and palate occurred more often in males, whereas cleft palate occurred more often in females (Table 1).

Which tool is used for palatoplasty?

Suspension palatoplasty was performed under general anesthesia with oral endotracheal intubation. Patients had their heads extended and an adequately size of mouth gag was used to expose the oropharynx. Surgical tool used for tissue dissection and hemostasis was plasma knife (model: cutting-4, coagulation-6).