Can male mollies have babies?

Can male mollies have babies?

Can male mollies have babies?

Go to your local pet store and pick male and female fish. While there are several varieties of molly fish, they are extremely easy to breed because all colors are the same species, and all males and females breed with one another. Some recommend getting the subspecies of mollies for quicker breeding.

Are black mollies male or female?

Males and females can be differentiated by the shape of their anal fin. Males have a anal fin that points backwards. Females’ anal fin looks just like the rest of their other fins. More than one molly can be kept in a tank together, however, they have been known to nip the fins of others in their tank.

How many fry do mollies birth?

Gestation and Birth Female mollies will gestate their young for about 60 days. They can give birth to between 40 and 100 fry. Mollies that are young or are having one of their first few pregnancies will tend to give birth to a smaller rather than larger number of fry.

How can you tell if a molly fish is pregnant?

How to Tell if a Molly Fish Is Pregnant

  1. 1) A Swollen and Stretched Out Belly.
  2. 2) A Gravid Spot Under Their Belly.
  3. 3) Their Behavior Changes.
  4. 4) A Pregnant Molly Fish Will Eat More.
  5. 5) They Seek Warmth.
  6. Stage 1: Conception.
  7. Stage 2: The Formation of the Embryo.
  8. Stage 3: The Fry Develop.

Can molly breed with Guppy?

Guppies and Mollies can easily create hybrids if they are kept in the right conditions. There are two names for two types of hybrids. A hybrid fry from a male Guppy and a female Molly is called Golly, whereas a fry from a male Molly and a female Guppy is called Muppy.

What is a Dalmation molly?

General info about Dalmatian Molly These fish are small, only reaching 5 inches, and males have large dorsal fins, wild forms are gray with rows of dark spots. They are very popular in the hobby, as such, many color and fin varieties have been developed. The Dalmation Molly variety is black and white.

How long are Dalmation mollies pregnant for?

Dalmatian mollies could be pregnant for about 70 days. This is pretty different from most mollies, as those usually have a gestation period ranging from 20 to 40 days. However, Dalmatian mollies can remain pregnant for a more extended period. The reason is that they can preserve the male’s sperm for months inside them.

How long are molly fish pregnant for?

As I’ve mentioned above, mollies are usually pregnant for a period anywhere from 20 to 40 days (average 30 days). Of course, that would be how long they’ll last from conception to birth. But before this period, there is usually a courtship period between the male and female molly, which can last another couple of days.

Do Dalmation mollies lay eggs?

First things first, Dalmatian mollies are livebearers. This means that opposed to much other fish that lay eggs, Dalmatian mollies give birth to live fish that are ready to eat, swim, sleep, and all of that other fun stuff.

How many babies do Dalmation mollies have?

How Many Babies Do Dalmatian Mollies Have? Like the rest of the molly types, dalmatian mollies can have 40-100 babies at a time. However, if it’s her first time, she will only give birth to 8-10 babies. As she matures and gains more experience, the number will gradually increase.