How did Cordelia become Jasmine?
It was really a trap set by the Angel team who had all realized that Cordelia was possessed, but she was saved by Connor. With his further assistance — including the kidnapping of a virgin for sacrifice —, “Cordelia” was able to give birth to Jasmine.
What kind of demon is Cordelia?
Half-demon physiology To combat the pain and trauma the visions give her (which would eventually kill a human), Cordelia became part-demon, giving her resistance to their harmful effects and other powers.
Did Angel and Cordelia get together?
Later, in Angel’s perfect-day dream sequence, Angel and Cordelia consummated their relationship, but Angel called out “Buffy!” as he lost his soul, just as he did in Sunnydale years earlier.
How did Angel have a son?
In a seemingly impossible event, vampires Angel and Darla had a child, the end result being Connor, a human with superhuman abilities. Connor is introduced in the episode “Lullaby,” when Darla sacrifices herself to give birth to him, by staking herself in the heart.
Why did Cordelia leave the show Angel?
Back in 2003, Joss seemingly wrote off Charisma Carpenter’s character (Cordelia Chase) from Angel because he was upset that she was pregnant. The actress told her side of the story several months later, in February of 2021, and her post has gone viral.
How did Fred see Jasmine?
Crying, Fred tells him to look at Jasmine. He does, seeing the same decaying, maggot-infested flesh that Fred saw earlier and is released from her spell, being left in a state of shock. Jasmine realizes that it was her blood that released Fred and Angel and tells Connor that Angel is infected.
Who got Cordelia pregnant?
Cordelia had been taken over by the dark entity Jasmine (Gina Torres), which got pregnant so it could give birth to itself. Season 4 rewrote much of Cordelia’s previous character arc, reframing her growth and agency as deliberate maneuvering to bring her under Jasmine’s influence.