How do you add a link to your HTML on Tumblr?

How do you add a link to your HTML on Tumblr?

How do you add a link to your HTML on Tumblr?

How to: Add links to your Tumblr description/sidebar

  1. Step one: Open the “edit theme” page. Log into Tumblr and click on the ‘human’ cog icon and Select your blog from the right-hand column. Click the Edit appearance option.
  2. Step two: changing your description. I’ve highlighted the box where you can add your description.

How do I add a link to my Tumblr page?

Select a word or phrase on a post or page creation screen and click the link icon (a small chain) to create a URL. Enter the link URL in the box provided and choose “+Insert” to apply the link.

How do I put a link on my Tumblr title?

In the left sidebar, click the text underneath “Description.” This is your blog’s current bio. 7. Insert your link in place of “URL” and what you want the text to be in place of “TITLE.” Remember to delete the quotation marks.

How do you hyperlink in HTML?

To make a hyperlink in an HTML page, use the and tags, which are the tags used to define the links. The tag indicates where the hyperlink starts and the tag indicates where it ends. Whatever text gets added inside these tags, will work as a hyperlink. Add the URL for the link in the .

What is hypertext link in HTML?

Hypertext is text with hyperlinks. The linked text (the reference to data) is called anchor text. You use anchor tags to create hyperlinks to other webpages. They create links: a clickable text or image that, when clicked, takes us to a new page or to a different part of the same page. HTML consists of hyperlinks.

How do I insert a link in HTML?

How do I add links to my Tumblr?

How to add links in your Tumblr theme. Step one: Open the customize panel. Step two: Scroll down and select ‘Add a new page’. Step three: Change page type. Click on the arrow and change the page type to “Redirect”. Step four: Fill in the form. Show a link to this page – makes the theme display a link automatically (make sure you add a title!)

How do I change the theme on my Tumblr?

After selecting the Tumblr that you want to edit, Click the account button again and go to edit appearance. There are actually multiple ways to get there, and it doesn’t really matter how you get to the edit appearance section. Click the Edit Theme button.

How do I add a description to my Tumblr blog?

Log into Tumblr and click on the ’ human ’ cog icon and Select your blog from the right-hand column. 2. Click the Edit appearance option. 3. Click Edit theme I’ve highlighted the box where you can add your description. To add to your description, simply type something in the box.

How do I add links to my description?

I’ve highlighted the box where you can add your description. To add to your description, simply type something in the box. When you want to add links, copy and paste this into your box: