How do you write a good CPD?

How do you write a good CPD?

How do you write a good CPD?

Five steps to perfect CPD

  1. Maintaining your Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is simple – follow the five steps to perfect CPD: Plan.
  2. Plan.
  3. Do.
  4. Record.
  5. Reflect.
  6. Submit.

How many CPD points is 1 hour?

1 CPD point
By this, it is meant that typically 1 CPD point equals 1 CPD Hour.

What should be included in a CPD record?

evidence that you have kept a record of your CPD activities; a dated list of all the CPD activities you have carried out; and. an explanation of any gaps of three months or more between activities.

What does CPD look like?

CPD combines different methodologies to learning, such as training workshops, conferences and events, e-learning programs, best practice techniques and ideas sharing, all focused for an individual to improve and have effective professional development.

What should a CPD portfolio?

What is a CPD portfolio?

  • a record of your professional development and experience.
  • specific to your work practices and roles.
  • not just a record, but also have reflective and evaluative content.
  • confidential.
  • used as an historic, current and future learning tool.

How do I create a CPD log?

We require members to record their CPD activities each year, as part of this process….When recording CPD you should include the following information:

  1. Learning objective.
  2. Date.
  3. Subject area.
  4. Method of learning.
  5. Number of hours.
  6. Points, if awarded.
  7. Learning outcome.

How do I complete a CPD profile?

One way to complete your statement is to choose four to six CPD activities you have carried out and for each one describe:

  1. what the activity was;
  2. what you learnt; and.
  3. how you think the activity improved the quality of your work and benefited your service users.

How do you write a CPD summary?

Your summary should describe your role and the type of work you do. The summary should include your main responsibilities, identify the specialist areas you work in and identify the people you communicate and work with most. It may be appropriate to base this part of your CPD profile on your job description.

How do I record my CPD activities?

CPD record template – use this template to record your CPD activities and reflect on what you have learnt. You should complete a new template at least every two years showing at least 50 hrs worth which works out at less than 30 minutes per week.

What is the RTPI CPD program?

The RTPI provides members with tools to plan, record and reflect on CPD. All RTPI members except students, affiliates and retired members must follow the requirements in our Code of Professional Conduct to maintain and develop their skills through Continuing Professional Development (CPD).

How often do I need to complete my CPD records?

You should complete a new template at least every two years showing at least 50 hrs worth which works out at less than 30 minutes per week. You can find further advice on completing your records in our CPD Advice Note and on the PDP resources page.

What is the Radiographers Registration Board Code of Professional Conduct and ethics?

The Radiographers Registration Board Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics requires radiographers and radiation therapists to keep their knowledge and skills up to date. CPD is a mechanism for maintaining registrant’s professional knowledge and skills.