How much weight can you lose on OPTIFAST?

How much weight can you lose on OPTIFAST?

How much weight can you lose on OPTIFAST?

1.0 to 2.5kg/week
During the Intensive Level of the OPTIFAST Program, weight loss averages 1.0 to 2.5kg/week with an average total loss of 20kg after 12 to 16 weeks.

How much does the Optifast program cost?

The Optifast program costs about $92 a week for the first 12 weeks. (Prices may change slightly). This amount will gradually become less as you reintroduce food and purchase less shakes. The total cost for the Optifast program is around $2200.00 over 6 months.

Is Optavia worth the money?

The Optavia diet minimizes caloric intake, and a calorie deficit (meaning you use more calories for energy than you consume) can result in weight loss. However, while low calorie diets are effective in terms of short-term weight loss, studies have found that they aren’t as effective for long-term weight loss.

Can you eat anything while on Optifast?

You cannot eat any other solid foods while you are taking Optifast.

Is Optavia a pyramid scheme?

Optavia is an MLM company that promotes weight loss through starvation. Optavia’s diet programs are expensive, don’t work long-term, and can harm your health. It has been called a “pyramid scheme” by many because they make their money off the recruitment of new members.

What do you eat for dinner while on Optifast?

• Dinner – one Optifast Chicken Soup, with one cup of steamed vegetables and one serving (120 g for women, 210 g for men) of lean beef, veal, pork, lamb, fish, or chicken breast.

Is optivia diet really work?

The Optavia diet program works, and it can work great for a lot of people who try it ( 2 ). Through their unique blend of weight loss coaching and a healthy eating meal delivery plan, the Optavia program has been helping people reach their weight loss goals consistently.

What is the Optifast diet?

– cauliflower – cucumber – eggplant – garlic – lettuce – leeks – beans – mushrooms – onions

How does the Optifast diet work?

Active weight loss

  • Transition
  • Maintenance