Is Psychonauts 2 still in development?

Is Psychonauts 2 still in development?

Is Psychonauts 2 still in development?

Psychonauts 2 went through some major turmoil throughout its development, at one point nearly cutting boss fights to offset production woes, but as Double Fine suggests in its blog post, it “stuck the landing.” The psychic platformer won Xbox Game of the Year at the Golden Joysticks 2021, and it resonated with many of …

Is Psychonauts 2 doing well?

Psychonauts 2 is now Double Fine’s best-selling game. That’s according to art director Lisette Titre-Montgomery, who claimed in a recent tweet that her “leadership resulted in shipping [Double Fine’s] highest-rated and best-selling game to date”.

How many backers did Psychonauts 2 have?

Limited! 3,300 of 3,300 claimed. Psychonauts is a classic action/adventure platformer from acclaimed developers Double Fine Productions and written by industry legend Tim Schafer, who created Broken Age, Full Throttle, and Grim Fandango amongst many other things.

Can you go back in Psychonauts 2?

Just head into the pause menu and select ‘Exit Brain’. This will take you back to Psychonauts HQ. That’s all you need to know about replaying levels in Psychonauts 2.

Will there be physical copies of Psychonauts 2?

Yes, the only way you could get a Psychonauts 2 physical copy is if you had backed the game’s campaign on Fig, back in 2019. Double Fine has confirmed that “physical copies are being produced for our Fig backers but will not be available for wider retail.”

How is Psychonauts 2 selling?

Psychonauts 2 is Double Fine’s “highest-rated and best-selling game to date” Former art director’s tweets hints at sales of at least 1.7 million.

Is Psychonauts 2 crowd funded?

In 2012, wealthy “Minecraft” creator Markus “Notch” Persson tweeted at Double Fine founder Tim Schafer an offer to make a “Psychonauts” sequel “happen.” That went nowhere, but in 2015, Double Fine started crowdfunding for the project, netting $3.8 million from over 24,000 backers.

What’s new in Psychonauts 2?

Psychonauts 2 will feature a new hub world inside Psychonauts HQ. You’ll access new mental worlds as Raz peeks inside the minds of a host of new characters who need his help to combat their inner demons and unravel their deep-seated emotional issues.

Is Psychonauts the best epic platformer?

Anyone who doesn’t fall for the unique characters, hilarious dialogue and brilliantly conceived environments of Psychonauts has no soul. Arguably the best epic platformer since the Rare / Miyamoto days of N64. If you’ve watched the Broken Age documentary, you know how awful making games is.

What is the first Psychonauts game about?

The original game follows the story of a young psychic named Razputin in his quest to join an elite group of international psychic secret agents, the Psychonauts. He runs away from the circus and breaks into their secret training facility, Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp.

How many people have claimed the original Psychonauts?

For being so excellent you’ll get your name in the credits, and a digital download of the original Psychonauts. Limited! 3,300 of 3,300 claimed.