What are the inorganic contents of the urine?

What are the inorganic contents of the urine?

What are the inorganic contents of the urine?

The principle inorganic constituents of urine are chlorides, phosphates, sulfates and ammonia. Sodium chloride is the predominant chloride and makes up about half of the inorganic substances. Since ammonia is toxic to the body and lacking in plasma, there is very little of it normally present in fresh urine.

What ions are found in urine?

Urine is comprised of mostly water, but it contains other substances, including ions of various concentrations. Magnesium (Mg2+), manganese (Mn2+), nickel (Ni2+) and ammonium (NH4+) are some of the most common ions in urine, in addition to sodium, potassium, and calcium ions.

What are the inorganic and organic components of urine?

It consists of water, urea (from amino acid metabolism), inorganic salts, creatinine, ammonia, and pigmented products of blood breakdown, one of which (urochrome) gives urine its typically yellowish colour.

What is the major organic compound of urine?

Urea (also known as carbamide) is a waste product of many living organisms, and is the major organic component of human urine.

What are the five components of a urinalysis?

The squares on the dipstick represent the following components in the urine:

  • Specific gravity (concentration of urine)
  • Acidity of the urine (pH levels)
  • Protein in the urine (proteinuria), mainly albumin.
  • Glucose (sugar) in the urine (glycosuria)
  • Ketones in the urine (ketonuria), products of fat metabolism.

What do urine electrolytes tell you?

The electrolytes – urine test measures specific chemicals called electrolytes in urine. It most often measures the levels of calcium, chloride, potassium, or sodium. Related topics include: Calcium – urine.

Which electrolytes are lost in urine?

Potassium is obtained from food and drinks and lost primarily in urine, but also through the digestive tract and in sweat. Imbalances in potassium can lead to high potassium (Hyperkalemia) or low potassium (Hypokalemia).

What are the electrolytes in urine?

The electrolytes – urine test measures specific chemicals called electrolytes in urine. It most often measures the levels of calcium, chloride, potassium, or sodium.

Is creatinine normally found in urine?

Creatinine is a normal waste product that the body produces every day during muscle movements and when digesting meat. Healthy kidneys remove creatinine from the blood, and it leaves the body in urine. High levels of creatinine in the urine can indicate diabetes, high muscle tone, or problems with the kidneys.

What are the ions present in urine?

Lesser amounts of other ions and compounds are present, including hippuric acid, phosphorus, citric acid, glucuronic acid, ammonia, uric acid, and many others. Total solids in urine add up to around 59 grams per person.

What is the chemical composition of urine?

Table of Urine Chemical Composition Chemical Concentration in g/100 ml urine Water 95 Urea 2 Sodium 0.6 Chloride 0.6

What chemicals affect the color of your urine?

Chemicals That Affect Urine Color. Human urine ranges in color from nearly clear to dark amber, depending largely on the amount of water that is present. A variety of drugs, natural chemicals from foods, and diseases can alter the color. For example, eating beets can turn urine red or pink (harmlessly). Blood in the urine may also turn it red.

What is the abundance of elements in urine?

The element abundance depends on diet, health, and hydration level, but human urine consists of approximately: Oxygen (O): 8.25 g/l. Nitrogen (N): 8/12 g/l. Carbon (C): 6.87 g/l. Hydrogen (H): 1.51 g/l.