What are the main threats to the Achuar tribe?
The Achuar people, who have lived for thousands of years in the rainforest, allege that the company contaminated their territory during more than 30 years of oil drilling, making their people sick, even causing some to die, and damaging their land and livelihoods beyond repair.
Did the Achuar use shotguns?
Their appearance as warriors is striking, though in this assembly spears and shotguns – which they use regularly for hunting – are not allowed.
Where are the Achuar people?
The Achuar are a group of indigenous peoples of the Amazon Basin, currently numbering around 6,000. Their ancestral lands – nearly 2 million acres in all – straddle the modern borders of Ecuador and Peru, a remote area that has allowed them to preserve their way of life with little outside influence or colonization.
How do the Achuar live?
The Achuar traditionally live in houses shaped like large ovals with high roofs containing inner, but no outer walls, for the sake of ventilation. They hunt and fish for protein, but rely heavily on large gardens of indigenous plants kept near their homes.
How do you pronounce Achuar?
Achuar Nasal Vowels They are pronounced just like oral (“regular”) vowels, only using your nose as well as your mouth.
Which community group is known as Achuar?
The Achuar are an Amazonian community of some 18,500 individuals along either side of the border in between Ecuador and Peru. As of the early 1970s, the Achuar were one of the last of the Jivaroan groups still generally unaffected by outside contact. The name Achuar means “the people of the aguaje palm”.
Who studied the Achuar of the Amazon?
Anthropologist Philippe Descola
Anthropologist Philippe Descola has won the 2014 International Cosmos Prize, a Japanese award, for his study of the isolated Jivaroan Achuar people of the Ecuadorian Amazon. Their lives had previously been unknown to the wider world.
What do the Achuar eat?
Among the Achuar, hunting is primarily a male activity, while women are responsible for the communities’ gardens. The typical Achuar garden contains many kinds of plants, but the centerpiece of the garden and the staple of their diet is the manioc plant.
What language does the Achuar tribe speak?
Shiwiar, also known as Achuar, Jivaro, Maina, is a Chicham language spoken along the Pastaza and Bobonaza rivers in Ecuador. Shiwiar is one among thirteen indigenous languages of Ecuador. All of these indigenous languages are endangered.