What are the subtests on the WIAT-4?
WIAT-4 Subtest
- Mathematics. Math Problem Solving.
- Numerical Operations. Math Problem Solving.
- Numerical Operations. Math Fluency–Addition.
- Math Fluency–Subtraction. Math Fluency–Multiplication.
- Math Fluency–Addition. Math Fluency–Subtraction.
- Math Fluency– Multiplication. Writing.
- Spelling. Sentence Composition.
- Essay Composition.
What do WIAT-4 subtests measure?
This student was recently administered the Wechsler Individual Achievement Test-Fourth Edition (WIAT®-4). This test includes 20 subtests to measure listening, speaking, reading, writing, and mathematics skills.
What are the WIAT III subtests?
This student was recently administered the Wechsler Individual Achievement Test–Third Edition (WIAT–III). This test includes 16 subtests to measure listening, speaking, reading, writing, and mathematics skills. The following is a description of each subtest that was administered to this student.
What are the grade levels and age ranges for the KTEA 3?
The Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement, Third Edition (KTEA–3 Comprehensive Form) is an individually administered measure of academic achievement for grades pre-kindergarten through 12 or ages 4 through 25 years.
What does math fluency measure on the WIAT?
Maths Fluency The examinee completes as many problems as he/she can within a 60-second time limit. This subtest measures written mathematics calculation fluency (speed and accuracy).
What subtests make up the dyslexia Index on the WIAT-4?
The WIAT-4 Dyslexia Index: Grades 4–12+ includes three subtests:
- Word Reading.
- Orthographic Fluency.
- Pseudoword Decoding.
What does WIAT 4 Composition essay measure?
The Essay Composition subtest is designed to measure spontaneous writing fluency at the discourse level. Examinees are asked to write a descriptive expository essay within a 10-minute time limit. Essays are scored for semantics, grammar, and mechanics.
How do you interpret WIAT IV scores?
Average scores range from 90-109. Low scores range from 80-89. Borderline scores range from 70-79. Extremely Low scores are scores under 69….They are as follows:
- Status Scores.
- Standard Score.
- Percentile Rank.
- Normal Curve Equivalent.
- Stanines.
- Growth Scores.
- Grade Equivalent.
- Age Equivalent.
What is receptive vocabulary WIAT?
Receptive Vocabulary: Measures a student’s listening vocabulary. The student points to the picture that best illustrates the meaning of each word he or she hears. Oral Discourse Comprehension: Measures a student’s ability to make inferences about, and remember details from, oral sentences and discourse.
What do KTEA subtests measure?
This test includes subtests to measure listening, speaking, reading, writing, and mathematics skills.
What are the sub tests on the WIAT test?
WIAT Subtests. Here is a list of the subtests found on the WIAT-III test. Listening Comprehension. Oral Expression. Early Reading Skills. Word Reading. *Pseudo word Decoding. Reading Comprehension.
Where can I find the National Curriculum level descriptions for subjects?
The National Curriculum Level Descriptions for subjects This publication contains the full and updated level descriptions for all National Curriculum subjects from level 1 to exceptional performance. This publication and related materials can be found on QCDA’s National Curriculum website, www.qcda.gov.uk/curriculum.
What are the National Curriculum levels for design and Technology?
They reflect critically and effectively throughout designing and making processes. Design and technology The National Curriculum Level Descriptions for subjects English 16 1 Speaking and listening English Level 1 Pupils talk about matters of immediate interest. They listen to others and usually respond appropriately.
What National Curriculum levels DO schools have to report?
Officially, schools only had to report pupils’ National Curriculum levels in Reading, Writing and Maths. However, the curriculum also covers a number of other subjects (including Science, ICT, Art, History, etc).