What does a tattoo of three dots by the eye mean?
The three dots tattoo is a common prison tattoo that represents “mi vida loca,” or “my crazy life.” It’s not associated with any particular gang, but with the gang lifestyle itself. This tattoo is typically found on the hands or around the eyes.
What does dots mean in tattoo?
One of the simplest and most popular finger tattoo designs is dots. While they are understated, dot tattoos also carry a lot of meaning and significance. A single dot often represents a ‘full stop’ – the end of one phase and the start of another.
What does dots under the eye mean?
Milia are tiny cysts that develop due to harmless buildups of keratin under the skin. They are common on the face and around and under the eyes. Milia are not pimples, and attempting to pop them can cause further inflammation and scarring. The pores need to clear out the built up keratin for the milia to go away.
What does 3 triangles mean?
The nine points of the triangle have been associated with the nine worlds of Norse mythology, and the three interconnected triangles have been said to reflect the connection between Earth, Heaven and Hell. The symbol has also been associated with ecstatic Seidr magic, of which Odin was a master.
What tattoos mean you killed someone?
Teardrop. One of the most widely recognized prison tattoos, the teardrop’s meaning varies geographically. In some places, the tattoo can mean a lengthy prison sentence, while in others it signifies that the wearer has committed murder.
What do eye tattoos mean?
Depending on your chosen design, a tattoo of an eye can mean many things. There are several popular ocular pieces, including the Eye of Horus and the Third Eye. That said, in general, the eye is commonly associated with protection, guidance, knowledge, and clarity.
What do 3 dots tattoos symbolize?
TEAR DROP. Perhaps the most well-known tattoo associated with crime and prison,the teardrop can either be unfilled or opaque.
What does 4 dots under the eye mean?
What are the Red Dots Around My Eyes (Petechiae)? Petechiae are tiny red spots on the skin. They tend to be less than 4 mm in diameter and occur because of bleeding under the skin. They resemble a rash. Petechiae spots might also be purple or brown spots and can appear under the eyes, on the neck, or on the chest.
What does a dot tattoo under the eye mean?
Dots Under Eye Tattoo. Dot tattoos beneath the eye have been commonly used in Western culture to symbolize allegiance to gang life. Tattoo’s showcasing three dots beneath the eye have become synonymous with the saying “mi vida loca” or “my crazy life”.
What do the three dots tattoo mean?
Symbolism of the Three Dot Tattoo. In order to get a better understanding of what the three dot tattoo represents,you only need to speak to anyone currently serving time