What is meant by democracy in ancient Greek times?

What is meant by democracy in ancient Greek times?

What is meant by democracy in ancient Greek times?

The word “democracy” comes from two Greek words that mean people (demos) and rule (kratos). Democracy is the idea that the citizens of a country should take an active role in the government of their country and manage it directly or through elected representatives.

Who is the mother of democracy in the Philippines?

Corazon Aquino

Her Excellency Corazon Aquino CCLH
Resting place Manila Memorial Park – Sucat, Parañaque, Philippines
Political party PDP–Laban
Other political affiliations United Nationalist Democratic Organization (1980–1987)
Spouse(s) Benigno Aquino Jr. ​ ​ ( m. 1954; his death 1983)​

Which country first started democracy?

The concepts (and name) of democracy and constitution as a form of government originated in ancient Athens circa 508 BCE.

What is a democracy?

The term “democracy” comes from two Greek words: “demos” (the people) and “”kratia” (power or authority). So of course democracy is a form of government that gives power to the people. But how, when, and to which people?

What is the hallmark of democracy?

The hallmark of democracy is that it permits citizens to participate in making laws and public policies by regularly choosing their leaders and by voting in assemblies or referenda.

What is a Western democracy?

Western democracies 3 : an organization or situation in which everyone is treated equally and has equal rights The company is not a democracy; decisions are made by a board of directors, not the workers. There is democracy within the company.

What are the conditions for the continued existence of a democracy?

Thus, a minimum condition for the continued existence of a democracy is that a substantial proportion of both the dēmos and the leadership believes that popular government is better than any feasible alternative. What conditions, in addition to this one, favour the continued existence of democracy?