What is the population density of the USA?

What is the population density of the USA?

What is the population density of the USA?

94 people per mi2
the U.S.A. ranks number 3 in the list of countries (and dependencies) by population. The population density in the United States is 36 per Km2 (94 people per mi2). The median age in the United States is 38.3 years.

Where is U.S. population most dense?

In 2021, Washington, D.C. had the highest population density in the United States, with 10,984.43 people per square mile.

What is the population density of USA 2021?

33.86 people per square kilometer
The population density of U.S. in 2021 was 33.86 people per square kilometer, a 0.58% increase from 2020.

What is population density of Canada?

4 per Km2
Canada 2020 population is estimated at 37,742,154 people at mid year according to UN data. Canada population is equivalent to 0.48% of the total world population. Canada ranks number 39 in the list of countries (and dependencies) by population. The population density in Canada is 4 per Km2 (11 people per mi2).

What US cities have the highest population density?

– Union City, N.J.: 54,138 persons/sq. mile – West New York, N.J.: 52,815 persons/sq. mile – Hoboken, N.J.: 42,484 persons/sq. mile – New York, N.Y.: 28,211 persons/sq. mile – Passaic, N.J.: 22,424 persons/sq. mile

What US state has the most population?

Five states— Delaware, Maine, Vermont, West Virginia and Wyoming —have no cities with populations of 100,000 or more. The table displays: 1. New York 2. Los Angeles

What states have the highest population density?

Alaska: 1.28/mi²

  • Wyoming: 6/mi²
  • Wisconsin: 6/mi²
  • Montana: 7.42/mi²
  • North Dakota: 11.09/mi²
  • South Carolina: 11.78/mi²
  • New Mexico: 17.36/mi²
  • Idaho: 22.11/mi²
  • Nebraska: 25.22/mi²
  • Nevada: 28.59/mi²
  • What is the approximate population in USA?

    This is a list of United States of America states by population as of 2019. The list was made using the 2019 Census estimates taken by the United States Census Bureau. The total population of the United States was 330,150,668 at the December 2019 Census .