Who was in the My Hero music video?

Who was in the My Hero music video?

Who was in the My Hero music video?

It is the only Foo Fighters video to feature guitarist Franz Stahl, who replaced Pat Smear (Stahl did not appear in the video for the next and last single from the album, 1998’s “Walking After You”, as it featured only Grohl).

What movie is Foo Fighters My Hero in?

Varsity BluesMy Hero / Movie

Who played drums on Hero Foo Fighters?

The band didn’t have a full-time drummer at the time, so it was Dave Grohl handling vocals, guitars, as well as most of the drums. Some drumming was done by William Goldsmith on five songs, though much of his contributions went uncredited.

Will there ever be a Nirvana movie?

The Foo Fighters’ Dave Grohl has recently announced news of a Nirvana film, or a film inspired by Nirvana, rather, to be released on 2021. Responding to rumors from the MTV Network, the film will supposedly tackle the origins of the grunge rock band, and possibly detailing the lives of each of the members.

What does the Everlong video mean?

He said “Everlong” is about “being connected to someone so much that not only do you love them physically and spiritually, but when you sing along with them you harmonize perfectly.”

Is MHA ok for 11 year olds?

Being a series that follows super-powered heroes, there is violence and lots of blood throughout. Language and some profanity that might not be suitable for younger kids should be expected as well.

Are Foo Fighters really done?

The Bee Gees really only made chart-toppers in 1977 and 1978.) For their part, the Foo Fighters have done nothing to change the DNA of these Bee Gees songs. The covers are all faithful. The Foo

What is Your Hero by the Foo Fighters about?

This song is about the heroes Foo Fighters guitarist and lead singer Dave Grohl had in his life, who were ordinary people who did extraordinary things. Apropos for the man who was Kurt Cobain’s bandmate, Grohl has explained that he has little use for hero-worship when it comes to celebrities – especially rock stars.

Are the Foo Fighters a good band?

The Foo Fighters, who were signed And I thought to myself, this can’t be good,” recalled Lickrish during a chat with Gulf News. “The band was already en route to Abu Dhabi and we were

How to play The Pretender by Foo Fighters?

The Pretender (intro) Tab by Foo Fighters. Learn to play guitar by chord / tabs using chord diagrams, transpose the key, watch video lessons and much more.