Why does it say invalid dim when I graph on my graphing calculator?

Why does it say invalid dim when I graph on my graphing calculator?

Why does it say invalid dim when I graph on my graphing calculator?

The ERR:INVALID DIMENSION error message may occur if you are trying to graph a function that does not involve the stat plot features. The error can be corrected by turning off the stat plots. To turn the stat plots off, press y , and then select 4:PlotsOff.

How do you reset a TI 84 Plus?

Q: How can I completely reset my TI 84 Plus back to the factory default settings?

  1. Press 2nd MEM (that is the second function of the + key)
  2. Choose 7 (Reset)
  3. Scroll right so that ALL is selected.
  4. Press 1.
  5. Press 2 (Reset, and read the warnings)

How do you reset a TI 84 calculator?

How do I reset my TI-84 Plus calculator?

What does err invalid dim mean on calculator?

“ERR:INVALID DIM” is an error message that comes up when one or more of the calculator’s “STAT PLOTS” are set to “on” but there are no values or incomplete values in the “STAT” lists. It can also mean the user entered the wrong type of data.

How do I avoid the invalid dim error?

A good rule of thumb is, anytime you are using the STATPLOT, be sure to turn OFF your PLOT when you are finished. That way you will avoid the INVALID DIM Error in the future.

How do I avoid the invalid dim error in statplot?

A good rule of thumb is, anytime you are using the STATPLOT, be sure to turn OFF your PLOT when you are finished. That way you will avoid the INVALID DIM Error in the future. Related Post: Turn PLOT on Share this: Twitter Facebook Like this: LikeLoading… Related «Quadratic Functions – Stopping Distance and Velocity TI83/84 – Turn PLOT On »

What does “invalid dim” mean on a TI-83?

What Does “Invalid DIM” on a TI-83 Mean? What Does “Invalid DIM” on a TI-83 Mean? “ERR:INVALID DIM” is an error message that comes up when one or more of the calculator’s “STAT PLOTS” are set to “on” but there are no values or incomplete values in the “STAT” lists. It can also mean the user entered the wrong type of data.