Does money shot work with the Infinity pistol?

Does money shot work with the Infinity pistol?

Does money shot work with the Infinity pistol?

This skill does not work on the Infinity, single-shot mag weapons that consume 1 ammo per shot, rocket launchers, or E-tech Splatguns. It also does not work on grenade or rocket rifles such as the Grenadier or Cannon, even though the sound effect still plays.

What are the chances of Doc Mercy dropping infinity?

5 Answers. Any legendary has a 1/20 (5%) drop rate from the boss it’s assigned to, the infinity pistol is assigned to Doc Mercy. Any legendary has a 1/1000 (. 1%) to be found in a chest, random drop, or in a skag/stalker/whatever pile.

How often does Doc Mercy drop the infinity pistol?

Can you farm the Infinity pistol?

If you do want to try farming for the Infinity Pistol, Loot Tinks are always generous droppers and can be found in the Servant’s Lift area of Jakob’s Estate on Eden-6. When you enter this area, cross the small wooden bridge and a Loot Tink will spawn 100% of the time, and you’re guaranteed some good loot.

What is the best gun in bl2?

Borderlands 2: The 15 Best Legendary Weapons, Ranked

  1. 1 Unkempt Harold. Among BL fandom, the double penetrating Harold is widely considered the pistol of all pistols in terms of sheer damage output.
  2. 2 Norfleet.
  3. 3 Lyuda.
  4. 4 Slagga.
  5. 5 Infinity.
  6. 6 Volcano.
  7. 7 Gub.
  8. 8 Deliverance.

Is the Infinity in Borderlands 2?

The Infinity was in a promotional image of Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, but is absent from the game. Aegis • Aimshot • Anaconda • Anarchist • Animosity • Apparatus • Ass Beeter!

Does the Infinity have a second bullet when fired?

However, the corresponding Dva accessory used by the Infinity is actually a special version which only has a 1-in-4 chance of generating a second bullet when fired. Unlike most legendary weapons, the Infinity can spawn with no accessory at all.

How does the Infinity weapon work?

This weapon works with Gaige ‘s Cooking Up Trouble skill and allows constant health regeneration. The Infinity can spawn with the “Dva” prefix, which on other Vladof weapons indicates it will fire two rounds per shot.

How much ammo does the Infinity use?

Although the Infinity does not consume ammunition, it does not function with 0 ammunition, and must have at least one round of pistol ammo in characters’ reserves. Having even one rank in Gaige’s Smaller, Lighter, Faster skill reduces the Infinity’s magazine size to 0, making it unusable.