What is another term of succinct?

What is another term of succinct?

What is another term of succinct?

Some common synonyms of succinct are compendious, concise, laconic, pithy, summary, and terse. While all these words mean “very brief in statement or expression,” succinct implies the greatest possible compression. a succinct letter of resignation.

What is a succinct person?

adjective. 4. The definition of succinct is getting to the point in just a few words. An example of succinct is a short slogan like “Just do it.” An example of succinct is a person who only answers with yes or no.

What does very succinct mean?

Definition of succinct 1 : marked by compact precise expression without wasted words a succinct description. 2 archaic. a : being girded. b : close-fitting.

Does succinct mean concise?

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity. expressed in few words; concise; terse. characterized by conciseness or verbal brevity.

How do you use succinct in a sentence?

Something that is succinct expresses facts or ideas clearly and in few words. The book gives an admirably succinct account of the technology and its history. He succinctly summed up his manifesto as “Work hard, train hard and play hard.”

How do you use succinct?

Succinct in a Sentence ?

  1. Everyone was happy when the politician made a succinct speech that did not take all evening.
  2. The ideal summary is succinct and to the point.
  3. Because my students are easily bored, I have to be certain my lessons are succinct.
  4. The reviewer’s remarks were succinct and to the point.

Is being succinct a good thing?

The advantages of being succinct are obvious. It saves time and mental energy for both the speaker and listener. Focused communicators get to the core of their message more quickly and clearly.

How do you write succinctly?

Writing Concisely

  1. Eliminate redundant pairs.
  2. Delete unnecessary qualifiers.
  3. Identify and reduce prepositional phrases.
  4. Locate and delete unnecessary modifiers.
  5. Replace a phrase with a word.
  6. Identify negatives and change them to affirmatives.
  7. Think about your argument.
  8. Think about your audience.

How do you use succinctly?

Succinctly sentence example

  1. Dean explained, as succinctly as possible, their concern for this child who’d spent six months in their care.
  2. Everything he described could, as Quinn so succinctly put it, be a mind constructed fairy tale.

What means robustly?

1a : having or exhibiting strength or vigorous health. b : having or showing vigor, strength, or firmness a robust debate a robust faith. c : strongly formed or constructed : sturdy a robust plastic.

How do you speak succinctly?

How to speak more concisely

  1. Plan what you want to say. One of the best ways to ensure you speak concisely is to plan what you would like to say before you start speaking.
  2. Be mindful of over-explaining.
  3. Try to refrain from using filler words.
  4. Use a specific example.
  5. Consider your audience.
  6. Record yourself speaking.