What is medial maxillectomy?

What is medial maxillectomy?

What is medial maxillectomy?

Medial maxillectomy is a procedure historically used for the removal of benign and low-grade malignant tumors of the medial aspect of the maxilla, lateral nasal wall, ethmoid sinuses along the lamina papyracea, and the lacrimal sac.

How do you perform a maxillectomy?

Your surgeon will need to cut through your upper jaw (maxilla) to remove the tumour. The operation involves removing of some of the bone in your maxilla, part of the roof of your mouth, and possibly some of your teeth. This will allow your surgeon to remove the tumour and a margin of healthy tissue around it.

What is modified medial maxillectomy?

The modified medial maxillectomy entails removing a large portion of the medial maxillary wall to gain wide access to the maxillary sinus. It is primarily used for the removal of benign tumors, such as inverted papillomas and juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibromas.

What is denkers approach?

The endoscopic Denker approach is a technique that involves creation of an endonasal anterior maxillotomy without the need for a separate sublabial incision.2, 5. ▪

What is a Lothrop procedure?

The modified Lothrop procedure or frontal sinus drill-out is a completely intranasal technique that creates a common frontonasal communication to allow drainage and ventilation of the chronically infected frontal sinus. It is an effective alternative to the classic frontal sinus obliteration.

What is the CPT code for medial maxillectomy?

Question: What is the appropriate CPT code to report an endoscopic medial maxillectomy? Answer: It would be appropriate to report code 31299, Unlisted procedure, accessory sinuses, for an endoscopic medial maxillectomy because no other existing code describes the service listed.

What is infrastructure maxillectomy?

Infrastructure maxillectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the lower part of the maxilla and hard palate. The objective of the present study was to analyze clinical data and treatment outcome of patients who underwent infrastructure maxillectomy between 2011 and 2019.

What is the CPT code for maxillectomy?

CPT® Code 31225 in section: Maxillectomy.

What is lateral Rhinotomy?

Lateral rhinotomy actually describes a facial incision along the side of the nose, which allows excellent transfacial access to both benign and malignant tumors arising from the lateral nasal wall, the maxillary sinus, the ethmoid sinus, the medial and inferior aspects of the orbit, the lacrimal fossa, the sphenoid …

What is a bilateral maxillary Antrostomy?

Maxillary antrostomy is a surgical procedure to enlarge the opening (ostium) of the maxillary sinus. This allows for further surgical intervention within the maxillary sinus cavity as well as improved sinus drainage.

What is modified denkers approach?

The endoscopic modified Denker’s approach has gained popularity in the recent years as it enables the surgeon to access the lateral extensions of the tumor in the infratemporal and parapharyngeal regions.

What is the CPT code for a lavage performed by cannulation of the maxillary sinus?

If you use irrigation with the balloon procedures, code as follows: 31000. Lavage by cannulation of the maxillary sinus. 31002.

How is a medial maxillectomy performed?

A medial maxillectomy can be performed as an open procedure (through an incision next to the side wall of the nose on the face) or, in some cases, endoscopically (through the nostril using an endoscope and endoscopic instruments).

How do you intubate for a maxillectomy?

Intubation achieved either via an oral endotracheal tube or via a nasal tube in the contralateral nostril. Type and save 2 units of blood for a maxillectomy; blood does not need to be prepared for a medial maxillectomy. Subciliary, paranasal and sublabial regions prior to prep

What are the options for reconstruction following a maxillectomy?

The reconstruction following a Maxillectomy will depend on the type and extent of the resection. Some of the options for reconstruction include a skin graft, local flap, free flap, or a prosthetic obturator. In general, reconstruction involves permanent closure of the opening between the mouth, sinus, and nasal cavities above.

Who wrote medial maxillectomy?

Medial maxillectomy Author JJ Fagan Subject Medial maxillectomy Keywords Medial maxillectomy Created Date 8/20/2019 9:55:23 PM