Why do my German Shepherds have a bump on their head?

Why do my German Shepherds have a bump on their head?

Why do my German Shepherds have a bump on their head?

Officially Called an “Occiput” This bony protuberance has an actual name: an “occiput.” It is a natural part of a dog’s anatomy and is there for a couple of reasons. Its primary purpose is to protect the bones of the dog’s skull and, in turn, his brain.

How thick is a German Shepherds skull?

In group 1, a skull weight of 36.95 g, a skull length of 113.96 mm, a maximum zygomatic width of 66.52 mm, a cranial length of 71.31 mm, a maximum neurocranium width of 52.11 mm, a viscerocranial length of 50.28 mm, a skull index of 58.43, a cranial index of 73.24, a facial index of 133.13 and a cranial volume of 55.38 …

What type of skull does a German Shepherd have?

German shepherd puppies have a wide, circular neuro- cranium, and a wider zygomatic width than the total skull length at birth. As they grow older, however, some mor- phological changes occur in the skull, such as the mani- festation of an external sagittal crest and external occip- ital protuberance.

Do German Shepherds have big heads?

Physical Characteristics: Physically, European German Shepherds have bigger heads, a straighter line on their hind legs, and a shorter and wider backline. Traits: European German Shepherds are believed to be better suited as working dogs than their American counterparts.

What if my dog has a bump on his head?

Most lumps are fatty tumors, though. These are benign, meaning not cancerous. Fewer than half of lumps and bumps you find on a dog are malignant, or cancerous. Still, they can look the same from the outside, so it’s hard to tell.

What are these bumps on my dog’s head?

Types of lumps and bumps Histiocytomas are small growths found on dogs’ heads, ears and legs. They’re typically common in younger dogs and usually go away on its own. Lipomas, aka fatty tumors, commonly form on dogs’ chest, belly or legs. Sebaceous adenoma resemble warts and are found on older dogs’ legs or torso.

How big is a German shepherd head?

head circumference

Goggle Size Head Circumference Muzzle Circumference
Medium 12 in – 14 in 8 in – 9in
Large 14 in – 17.5 in 9 in – 11.5 in
X-Large Greater than 17.5 in Greater than 11.5 in
Small Wide* 12 in – 15 in 6 in – 9 in

Are German shepherds Mesocephalic?

Mesocephalic dog breeds possess skulls of intermediate length and width. Examples of mesocephalic breeds are Beagles, Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, German Shepherds and Pomeranians.

How wide is a German shepherd head?

How can I tell how big my German Shepherd will get?

The full adult size of your GSD will depend in large part on the genetic background of its parents. Adult males should range between 24-26″ at the shoulder blade, females from 22-24″. Males within the standard may weigh anywhere from 75-90 lbs.

How big is a German Shepherds head?

What is the occiput on a dog?

The occiput in dog terms is the bump or protuberance clearly seen at the back of the skull in some breeds like the English Setter and Bloodhound.