What is the current impact factor of the journal atherosclerosis?

What is the current impact factor of the journal atherosclerosis?

What is the current impact factor of the journal atherosclerosis?

Official Journal of EAS The official journal of the Society is Atherosclerosis. It is published monthly and is a widely read, widely cited, international publication with an Impact Factor of 5.162.

What is the impact of atherosclerosis?

Atherosclerosis can cause a heart attack, stroke, aneurysm, or blood clot. You may need medicine, treatments, or surgery to reduce the complications of atherosclerosis.

Is atherosclerosis a peer reviewed journal?

Atherosclerosis journal is an open access, peer-reviewed scientific journal dealing with articles on different aspects of Atherosclerosis, Vascular Dementia, Occlusive Coronary Atherosclerosis, Severe Coronary Atherosclerosis, Cerebral atherosclerosis, intracranial atherosclerosis, Carotid atherosclerosis, Reverse …

What is the most contributing risk factor in atherosclerosis?

The most important risk factor for atherosclerosis is a positive family history with coronary heart disease occurring before age 55 in one’s father or grandfather and before age 65 in one’s mother or grandmother.

What is atherosclerosis Google Scholar?

[Google Scholar]]. From pathological perspectives, atherosclerosis has been defined as a chronic arterial inflammation secondary to prolonged exposure to oxidative stressors and involves multiple cell types and cellular mediators [3. Dyslipidemia part 1—review of lipid metabolism and vascular cell physiology.

What is the impact of arteriosclerosis Brainly?

Explanation: Arteriosclerosis is the hardening of arteries, sometimes because of plaque or fatty buildups and blockages. This restricts blood flow and could trigger a heart attack or stroke. Some organs may not receive an adequate blood supply and this may lead to organ failure.

What is the impact of arteriosclerosis a inefficient blood flow?

Atherosclerotic plaques narrow an artery and hinder blood flow. The result is that the surface of a bulging plaque sometimes tears, exposing material that stimulates clot formation. Clots and ruptured plaque material can then break away from the wall, be carried by the blood, and clog arteries downstream.

What lifestyle factors cause atherosclerosis?

being overweight or obese. regularly drinking excessive amounts of alcohol. other conditions, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes. a family history of atherosclerosis and CVD.

How does atherosclerosis develop Pubmed?

Atherosclerosis mainly develops through the continuous process of arterial wall lesions due to lipid retention by trapping in the intima by a matrix such as proteoglycans resulting in a modification which, in turn, aggravates chronic inflammation at vulnerable sites in the arteries and plays an important role at all …