How do I find the zoning for a property in Los Angeles?
Where can I obtain information regarding property zoning for unincorporated areas of LA County? Answer: You may choose to contact Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning in person, via telephone, and via email, or to try to obtain this information yourself from the department’s website.
What does R2 zoning mean in Los Angeles?
Two Family Residence
Zone R-2: Two Family Residence.
How many units can I build on my land Los Angeles?
Two detached single-family residences are permitted if the lot size is at least 5000 square feet and the land use category allows at least two units. One single-family residence and one duplex are permitted if the lot size is ≥ 7500 square feet and the land use category allows at least three units.
How do I change my zoning in Los Angeles?
General Plan and Zoning information, application forms, and fee schedules may be obtained by Contacting the Department of Regional Planning at Hall of Records, 320 West Temple Street, Room 1360, Los Angeles, CA 90012. Telephone (213) 974-6411. Email [email protected].
What is R3 zoning in Los Angeles?
5, with the number corresponding to the minimum lot area per apartment in thousands of square feet. For example, RD2 requires 2,000 SF of lot area per apartment. R3 requires 800 SF per apartment, R4 requires 400 SF, and R5 requires 200 SF. The RD zones are the most common multi-family zones in LA, followed by R3.
What is m2 zoning in Los Angeles?
Sections: 17.50. 010 Uses permitted outright. 17.50.
What is the proposed Los Angeles zoning code?
The proposed approach aims to establish a new Zoning Code that is more responsive to the needs of Los Angeles’s neighborhoods, in addition to being easier to use. While conventional methods of zoning have traditionally focused on prohibiting incompatible uses, the new approach focuses on the physical design of a building as well as its use.
Where can I find additional zoning regulations for my property?
While some of these additional regulations may be found in the City’s Zoning Code, these additional layers of zoning regulations are often adopted as standalone ordinances.
What are the city’s zoning requirements?
The City’s zoning provisions regulate many aspects of how land may be used―everything from specifying where different uses may be located to outlining the processes for requesting relief from certain land use regulations. In Los Angeles, similar land uses are grouped into general categories and referenced by a letter in the alphabet.
What is a D limitation on a C2 zone?
For example, a D limitation imposed on a C2 Zone in Height District 2 may reduce the permitted floor area ratio of the site from 6 to 1 down to a 3 to 1 FAR.