What do you use metallic thread for?

What do you use metallic thread for?

What do you use metallic thread for?

We see metallic threads used with decorative stitches, machine quilting, thread play, and even put in sergers for a decorative edging. If you have never tried using metallic thread through the needle or if you have had unsuccessful attempts, here are some things to know to put that sparkle into your sewing.

Can metallic thread be used in a sewing machine?

Sewing with metallic thread is one of the few times when it may be necessary to adjust the tension on your sewing machine. Reduce the upper tension (lower number) if it becomes necessary. Remember to always try out the stitching on a sample of fabric first.

What is the best needle for metallic thread?

If you’re sewing on a domestic machine or embroidery machine, use a 90/14 topstitch needle or a 90/14 metallic needle. If you’re using it on a longarm, use a size 16 needle.

What needle should I use with metallic thread?

It is generally recommended to begin sewing metallic threads with a new needle. Ideally, J-Metallic® should be sewn with a size 80/12 needle but if there is fabric damage you can use a 75/11 size needle. 5. Set the machine thread tensions as loose as possible to get the desired stitch appearance.

What tension should metallic thread be?

We recommend loosening your top tension (override your automatic tension settings) all the way down to 1.0. Metallic thread is one of the most delicate threads due to its unique construction, so a loose top tension is required for frustration-free stitching. Friction and metallic threads do not make a good mix.

What size needle do you use for metallic thread?

It is generally recommended to begin sewing metallic threads with a new needle. Ideally, J-Metallic® should be sewn with a size 80/12 needle but if there is fabric damage you can use a 75/11 size needle.

How do you keep metallic thread from twisting?

Rather than having your thread come off the spool vertically, set up the spool horizontally. This will prevent the thread from twisting as it comes off the spool.

Is metallic embroidery thread washable?

Sulky Metallic Thread is washable and dry-cleanable, and ideal for knitting machines, hand work, or sewing machines.