What Spanish words end with Z?

What Spanish words end with Z?

What Spanish words end with Z?

Spanish words that end in z

atroz atrocious; appalling; tremendous; enormous; huge
capaz capable; able; competent; having room or capacity; capacious; roomy; capable
eficaz efficient; efficacious; effective; effectual
falaz false; deceitful; deceptive; fallacious
feliz happy; fortunate; good; felicitous

What are some Spanish words Z?

Zombi – zoom

Zombi Zombie
zonado zoned
zoología zoology
zoológico zoo
zoólogo/a zoologist

How do you make a Spanish noun that ends in Z plural?

Spanish nouns that end in -z in Spanish Spanish nouns that end in consonant -z form their plural by adding -es and changing the -z for a -c.

Is Z masculine or feminine in Spanish?

In Spanish nouns that end in -z can be either masculine or feminine, but nouns that end in -ez are always feminine (however, there are a couple of exceptions). They tend to be abstract words.

What is El papel plural?

plural of papel. papeles [m/pl]

What are some Spanish words that start with Z?

Spanish words that start with “Z” Zaire. Zambeze. Zambia. Zamora. Zanzíbar. Zara. Zaragoza. Zarzuela. What is the word Z in Spanish? The letter z in Spanish is pronounced like the s in the English word sun by speakers of Latin American Spanish. The letter z in Spanish is pronounced like the th in the English word thing by most speakers of

What words that begin with Z mean said?


  • Zeugma
  • Zigzag
  • Zinger
  • Zephyr
  • Zither
  • Zombie
  • Zoster
  • Zydeco
  • Zygote
  • What are the most common Spanish words?

    Words like “all” (todo #22) or “thing” (cosa #78) are much more common Spanish words than words like “tiger” (tigre #4,582). Below a table of the 250 most common Spanish words taken from popular written text and conversation, in a study by Mark Davies.

    What are some words with Z in them?

    WHIZ (a skilled person)

  • ZAGS (sharp turns)
  • ZANY (buffoonish)
  • ZAPS (electrical shocks)
  • ZARF (an ornamental container)
  • ZEAL (strong eagerness)
  • ZEBU (a domesticated ox)
  • ZEDS (plural of “z”)
  • ZEES (plural of “z”)
  • ZEIN (a type of protein)