What are action classes in Struts?
Action Class in Struts framework is used to define the business logic it handles the client request prepare the response or tell where the response should be forward, basically its receive the data from the view layer and forward that data to specific business layer or process the data and again forward the processed …
What is Execute method in Struts?
The method execute is where we placed what we want this controller to do in response to the hello. action . Method execute of HelloWorldAction. public String execute() throws Exception { messageStore = new MessageStore() ; helloCount++; return SUCCESS; } Note that method execute declares it throws an Exception.
How does Struts action forward work?
An ActionForward represents a destination to which the controller servlet, ActionServlet , might be directed to perform a RequestDispatcher. forward() or HttpServletResponse. sendRedirect() to, as a result of processing activities of an Action class.
What are action classes in Java?
An action class handles the client request and prepares the response. It also decides where the response should be forwarded. Basically an action class receives data from the presentation layer and forwards the data to the corresponding business layer.
What is action name Struts 2?
The action tag allows the programmers to execute an action from the view page. They can achieve this by specifying the action name. They can set the “executeResult” parameter to “true” to render the result directly in the view.
Which of the following is an example of strut?
Strut is defined as to walk in a stiff, swaggering way. An example of to strut is for a person to walk into a room in such a way as to appear that he is better than everyone else there.
What is action forward in Java?
An ActionForward represents a destination to which the controller, RequestProcessor, might be directed to perform a RequestDispatcher. forward or HttpServletResponse. sendRedirect to, as a result of processing activities of an Action class.
What is the difference between action and actions?
With the above explanations of Actions Class & Action Class, we can now conclude that Actions is a class that is based on a builder design pattern. This is a user-facing API for emulating complex user gestures. Whereas Action is an Interface which represents a single user-interaction action.
What is action class in Struts 2?
In struts 2, action class is POJO (Plain Old Java Object). POJO means you are not forced to implement any interface or extend any class. Generally, execute method should be specified that represents the business logic. The simple action class may look like:
What is struts action in Salesforce?
Similarly Struts Action takes care of the process to make sure result pages have access to the data that can be used in generating client response. Determining Result: Struts 2 Action classes are responsible for determining the result pages that will be used for generating client response.
What is @action annotation in Struts 2?
@Action annotation in struts 2 defines URL pattern for an Action class. Each method of an action class can be fetched by a separate URL. This facility provides the power to hide package name in URL. It is also possible that more than one URL pattern can point a single point of execution.
What is the return type of action class in action interface?
Action interface provides 5 constants that can be returned form the action class. They are: SUCCESS indicates that action execution is successful and a success result should be shown to the user. ERROR indicates that action execution is failed and a error result should be shown to the user.