How do I cancel my subscription to Gannett newspaper?
To cancel your subscription: Contact customer service at 1-800-872-0001.
What is the phone number for USA Today newspaper?
You can update your delivery address by visiting, clicking the chat button below, or calling Customer Service at 1-800-872-0001.
How do I cancel my USA Today digital subscription?
If you decide to cancel your subscription, contact customer service at 1-800-872-0001. Payments are non-refundable, and there are no refunds or credits for the unused portion of a subscription that has been cancelled before the end of a billing cycle.
How do I contact Gannett customer service?
Customer service can be reached at 1-800-559-3520 or by emailing them at [email protected]. As an award-winning news organization, we inform and empower our communities.
What is Gannett subscriptions?
2019-01-04 18:51:39 UTC1.4796600756234315 This is a subscription service company for Gannett Newspapers. If you subscribe to your local newspaper, this is how that paper collects their subscription payments. For example, I am in a town in Alabama, and I subscribe to the local town paper.
What is the toll-free number on my Gannett Bill?
If you subscribe to your local newspaper, this is how that paper collects their subscription payments. For example, I am in a town in Alabama, and I subscribe to the local town paper. The toll-free number on my monthly bill for GAN (Gannett) is (888)426-0491 and is located in Indiana. posted 04/16/2018 by Jean
Where can I find the Gannett cookie policy?
Gannett Cookie Policies: To learn more about cookies and other technologies used on our websites, visit the Cookie Policy located on each individual news organization’s website. The Cookie Policy will have a link to our web form where you can manage your cookie choices.