Where can I get a military cyber awareness certificate?

Where can I get a military cyber awareness certificate?

Where can I get a military cyber awareness certificate?

h. You can go back to the Certificates tab at the top on the right side of the DoD Cyber Awareness Challenge, select the little ribbon under the column titled certificate. You’ll see your Cyber Awareness Challenge completion certificate.

How do I get my cyber awareness challenge certificate?

To obtain your certificate, click on the “Open My Training History” link in the “My Training” window. 10. A list of completed courses will appear. Click on the view certificate icon in the “Certificate” column to view your certificate for a training course.

How do I take the DoD Cyber Awareness Challenge training?

Link to https://ia.signal.army.mil/ and click on the DoD Cyber Awareness Challenge (Mandated Annual IA Training) link. A pop up window will come up, click on the Login to take the DoD Cyber Awareness Challenge Training button.

What is IA training army?

Certification in Information Assurance (IA) is a mandatory requirement for security personnel with privileged access to monitoring, system control and administration functions. This aimed at providing effective security safeguards to data and user authentication mechanisms.

Where is Army cyber awareness training?

CS Signal Training Site, Fort Gordon.

How can I upload my cyber awareness certificate?

User Account Documents

  1. Click Actions.
  2. Click Add Certification.
  3. Click Choose File and select your pdf certificate.
  4. Once your pdf certificate has been selected, Click Submit File.
  5. The page will refresh and you will receive a message at the top of the page that the document has been uploaded.

What certificates are contained on the CAC?

Depending on the owner, the CAC contains one or three PKI certificates. If the CAC is used for identification purposes only, an ID certificate is all that is needed. However, in order to access a computer, sign a document, or encrypt email, signature and encryption certificates are also required.

What is an IA certificate?

An inspection authorization, or IA, certification is a professional certification that authorizes a person to perform yearly aircraft inspections. The Federal Aviation Administration requires commercial and private aircraft to pass these yearly inspections to ensure that a particular aircraft is safe to fly.

What is cybersecurity awareness training?

The course introduces the automated information systems (AIS) environment and the threats and vulnerabilities faced when working within the government or defense industrial systems.