What is collector saturation?
A2A. Saturation collector current refers to the collector current value beyond which the relationship between the base and collector current is no longer linear (i.e. independent of the DC current gain beta).
What is VCE saturation?
Vce saturation means Ic is at its maximum value(saturated). Ideally we consider Vce to be zero but in actual it is 0.2 to 0.3 volts for upto 50 mA Ic. Note that saturation of Ic is determined by Rc.
What is transistor saturation voltage?
“Saturation” in a transistor switch circuit is achieved when the voltage across the collector/ emitter (VCE(sat)) is less than or equal to . 1 to . 3 volts – depending on the type of transistor. At that voltage point, the transistor appears to act like a simple SPST mechanical switch that has been closed (On).
How is collector emitter voltage calculated?
Determine the voltage drop between the collector and emitter junctions (Vce) of the transistor using the formula Vce = Vcc – IcRc, where “Vce” is the collector emitter voltage; “Vcc” is the supply voltage; and “IcRc” is the voltage drop across the base resistor (Rb).
What is VCE voltage for transistor?
Transistors have three basic parts: the base, collector and emitter. The transistor parameter “Vce” signifies the voltage measured between the collector and emitter, which is extremely important because the voltage between the collector and the emitter is the output of the transistor.
How much is VCE when a transistor is saturated?
When the transistor is either in saturation or cutoff modes, it dissipates little power. When in cutoff, there is no current flow between collector and emitter thus P = Vce ∗ Ic = 0. When in saturation, the current may be high, but Vce is very small, keeping the power dissipated by the transistor very low.
Why do transistors saturate?
A transistor goes into saturation when both the base-emitter and base-collector junctions are forward biased, basically. So if the collector voltage drops below the base voltage, and the emitter voltage is below the base voltage, then the transistor is in saturation.
What is VCE electrical?
The transistor parameter “Vce” signifies the voltage measured between the collector and emitter, which is extremely important because the voltage between the collector and the emitter is the output of the transistor.
What is VCE and VBE voltage for transistor?
VCE is the Colletor to emeitter Voltage ; It is equal to VCC when transitor is OFF ; and equal to 0 when transistor is in saturation mode [ It is about 0.2 V – 0.3 v Practically) VBB – Base to ground Bias Voltage. VBE = base to emitter Voltage ; it is about 0.7 V for silicon transistor when transitor is on.
Why do collector currents saturate?
In saturation many electrons make it to the base instead of being pulled into the collector. That makes the base current larger and the collector current smaller.
What is the difference between emitter and collector for BJTs?
The emitter-base junction injects a large amount of majority charge carrier into the base because it is heavily doped and moderate in size. Collector – The section which collects the major portion of the majority charge carrier supplied by the emitter is called a collector.
What is the function of base emitter and collector?
– Wavelength of the incident light – Area of the light-exposed collector-base junction – DC current gain of the transistor.
What is VBE in BJT?
i C {\\displaystyle i_{\\text {C}}} is the collector current
How to calculate the collector current, Ic, of a transistor?
See Figure below.