How do you play Peters answers?

How do you play Peters answers?

How do you play Peters answers?

To do this, enter a period into the petition field. Then, type the answer you want. Whatever you type, the field will display “Peter please answer the following question.” When you’ve finished typing the answer, enter another period.

How do you use Peter?

At the Peter Answers website, go to the petition box and press “.” to let the site know that you’re typing the secret answer. Start typing the answer to the question and you’ll see the site show it in the box as the phrase, “Peter, please answer the following question”.

What does Peter paragraph mean?

It refers to the question. You make clear and interesting points, which link to your other paragraphs. You have a clear train of thought running through your whole answer. You make clear and interesting points, which link to your other paragraphs. You have a clear train of thought running through your whole answer.

What is the Peter method?

What Is the Peter Principle? The Peter Principle is an observation that the tendency in most organizational hierarchies, such as that of a corporation, is for every employee to rise in the hierarchy through promotion until they reach a level of respective incompetence.

What is the pee technique?

Point, Evidence, Explain is a method for answering questions about a subject. It involves stating a point, providing evidence and explaining your argument. Point, Evidence, Explain, sometimes abbreviated to P.E.E., is a mnemonic formula used with students in KS2 and above.

What does the T in Peter stand for?

Definition. PETER. Point Evidence Technique Explain Reader.

What is pee in writing?

PEE stands for : Point, Evidence, Explanation. Point is a specific argument that you want to make within a paragraph. Evidence is the information you provide that supports the argument, statement or claim that you have made. It could be a quote or a piece of technical data.

How long is a para?

They may say that a paragraph should be 100 to 200 words long, or be no more than five or six sentences. But a good paragraph should not be measured in characters, words, or sentences.

What is pea paragraph?

Some jurisdictions refer to paragraphing in schools as having the P-E-E or P-E-A structure. These refer to Point-Evidence-Explanation or Point-Evidence-Analysis.

What is the Peter technique?

You make a clear and interesting point. It refers to the question. You make clear and interesting points, which link to your other paragraphs. You have a clear train of thought running through your whole answer. You make clear and interesting points, which link to your other paragraphs.

What does Peedl stand for?

The PEE chain is a way of writing that can provide good structure to any piece of academic writing. It will help you to construct essays and provide detail in your answers, but will also ensure that you stick to the point. PEE stands for : Point, Evidence, Explanation.